Accurate whiteness color testing for plastics, paints, paper and other materials.
Intertek laboratories provide whiteness measurement and calibration expertise to industry, research and other clients.
Whiteness applications include measuring colorimetric data of white and near white samples, determining the respective contributions of the components used to make the sample appear 'white', calculating formulations to reach given whiteness values, calibration of instruments and monitoring of inter instrument consistency.
Samples analyzed for whiteness include papers, textiles, plastics and other samples.
Whiteness colour testing techniques include
- Range of diffuse reflectance spectrometers:
- Industry and research instruments
- Instrument calibration and monitoring:
- Basic calibration traceable to PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany)
- UV calibration traceable to NRC (National Research Council, Canada)
- Remote monitoring of inter instrument consistency
- Additional spectroscopic resources relevant for Whiteness color test:
- UV/Vis spectroscopy analysis
- Fluorescence spectroscopy analysis
- Colorimetric calculations and analyses:
- Calculations of colorimetric data from experimental spectra for standardized conditions (ASTM, CIE, DIN, ISO)
- Calculation of whiteness from experimental spectra for standardized conditions (ASTM, CIE, DIN, ISO)
- Calculation of whiteness from calculated spectra for defined non-standardized conditions using the open Ganz whiteness formula
- Analysis of white samples and calculation of recipes for metameric matches.