Exporting your products? Intertek can help you comply with import and export requirements, assisting smooth customs clearance.

Many goods are produced in countries where the safety and performance requirements of the importing country or region are not always fully understood. These requirements have been put into place to ensure the safety of importing countries' consumers. Unsafe and unreliable products can result in injury, death or damage to property as well as the costs associated with product recalls, compensation claims and damage to a brand's reputation.

Companies trading with these countries need to comply with these requirements for customs clearance. Failure to do so can result in severe delays in goods clearance, penalties, or even shipments being returned.

Intertek can issue the necessary certificates to meet these countries' standards and ensure smooth customs clearance.  Intertek has issued more than 2 million certificates and has undertaken more assessments of more products for longer than any other organisation.

Intertek Export and Import related Programmes in Operation include:

Remote Inspection with Inview

Minimise disruption to your trade business with our Inview remote inspection solution.

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Expedited Trade with FastTek

FastTek is a customised global trade solution that provides expedited certification to get trade moving faster.

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