Firestopping System Inspections per the 2012 International Building Code
As a qualified firestop inspector through Intertek’s Qualified Personnel (IQP) Program, you are trained to perform inspections on firestops per the ASTM E2174 and E2393 standards, you can ensure that firestops are compliant to the 2012 International Building Code, which requires special inspection of firestopping for buildings over 75 feet in height and category III and IV buildings (Chapter 17, section 1705.16 of the IBC), and verify compliance to Office of Statewide Heath Planning and Development (OSHPD) Policy Intent Notice (PIN) 67 for new regional (California) requirements.
As a part of this elite program, you separate yourself from other firestop inspectors through the process of on-going training, regular third party audits, and the backing of Intertek. This adds value to the inspections you perform, makes you a trusted ally to AHJs, and allows you to maintain compliance with emerging regional requirements.
Partnering with the International Firestop Council (IFC)
Intertek has partnered with the International Firestop Council (IFC) to develop the firestop inspection program. The IQP program, built on the foundation of IFC’s firestop training program, takes a comprehensive look at the knowledge necessary for firestop inspectors. Upon successful completion of the IFC training program, an inspector is then eligible to take additional steps and become certified through Intertek.
Becoming a Qualified Firestop Inspector
To become a qualified firestop inspector through the IQP Program, participants must first complete the required training that the IFC has created. In addition to the required online training, participants who seek IQP registration must also complete additional IFC online training to achieve IFC's “Premier Certificate”, which adds an additional 4-hour multi-manufacturer product training currently offered by IFC as an online, on-demand offering.
After the training is completed and a passing score on the exam of 80% or higher is achieved, the inspectors are then eligible to become an Intertek Qualified Personnel (IQP). To apply, the inspectors fill out an application and submit it to Intertek. Upon review of the application, accepted inspectors then pay a small set-up fee and are set up as an IQP.
Recognition by AHJs
Once a firestop has been thoroughly inspected, the Intertek Qualified Personnel (IQP) is able to apply an associated IQP Program label specific to the firestop. When Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) see this label, they will know that the firestop has been inspected by a trained IQP.
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