Intertek provides innovative and comprehensive solutions for Mechanical Integrity Programs.
Mechanical Integrity Programs (MIP) play a vital part in ensuring the safety and reliability of oil, gas and chemical facilities and ensuring industry compliance with the applicable regulatory requirements issued by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration), and SEMS (Safety and Environmental Management Systems).
Many production platforms, pipelines, refineries, power plants and chemical facilities need support in developing, implementing or improving their Mechanical Integrity Programs. Some organizations may require assessment or need a gap analysis of their facility’s Mechanical Integrity Program. Other organizations may need to know how to better manage their Mechanical Integrity Program due to poor performance in a business sense, which could include excessive inspection costs or an increasing inspection schedule backlog.
Intertek specializes providing a Total Quality Assurance approach while developing, implementing, and improving Mechanical Integrity Programs, as well as, application of Business Process Management (BPM) concepts.
Our services help you:
- Develop appropriate equipment inspection, testing and preventative maintenance activities
- Devise an effective management system for the organization’s Mechanical Integrity Program in accordance with Reasonable and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP)
- Devise strategies to establish a dependable, top-performing workforce responsible for the Mechanical Integrity Program activities
- Properly apply inspection and data management system (IDMS) software, and risk-based inspection (RBI) software , including implementation with facility data and records
Intertek brings together a wide range of expertise in disciplines such as RBI, Fitness For Service (FFS), non-destructive testing (NDT), Failure Analysis, Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), Process Safety Management (PSM) audits, training and more to support your Mechanical Integrity Programs.
Our services and solutions, such as those listed below, are tailored to each facility’s unique needs, ensuring you benefit from a successful Mechanical Integrity Program and meet regulatory compliance.
- Appropriate identification and selection of assets (pressure vessels; storage tanks; piping; relief devices)
- Clear written procedures for inspection and maintenance personnel
- Up-to-date requirements for training, qualification, and certification of personnel
- Proper inspection, testing and preventative maintenance scheduled activities
- Acceptable resolution of equipment deficiencies i.e. fitness-for-service
- Effective quality assurance for spare parts and new equipment
- Good performance metrics to manage your Mechanical Integrity Program
Intertek’s innovative solutions are backed by years of experience and a highly qualified team of specialists who are experts in their field. Working with us will offer you the peace of mind that your oil, gas, power and chemical facilities are operating as safely and reliably as possible and potential operating hazards are mitigated with a successful Mechanical Integrity Program.