REACH services for retailer compliance requirements.
The REACH Regulation (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals - No. 1907/2006) places compliance requirements on importers of substances in preparations and the overall business of retailers in Europe. Retailers have the complex task of managing both the REACH responsibilities for preparations and substances for which they have little technical control, and the consumer awareness and notification issues related to Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) Retailers are further exposed to the REACH Regulation by their often multi-layered supply chain and exposure of the public to substances resulting from sales to consumers.
“There is a lack of trust in chemicals, worrying in itself, not least from a competitiveness perspective. The debate on the chemical safety of consumer goods is dominated by scares and scandals. Chemical scares force retailers and manufacturers to take immediate action, and sometimes to withdraw products. This creates enormous damage to certain brands and, ultimately, to the chemical industry itself. These scares and scandals stay in people’s memory for a long time, and they are very difficult to overcome. Downstream users and all parts of the supply chain are penalised.” - Annual Meeting of Chairpersons of the CDU and CSU Groups in the German Bundestag, Laender Parliament and the EPP-ED Group of the European Parliament.
Intertek is a global provider of REACH compliance services for retailers. Intertek’s services include REACH training, pre-registration of substances, program management, chemical testing, dossier creation, data gathering from and management of suppliers, registration of chemicals, and management of related consortium and SIEF (Substance Information Exchange Forum) obligations. Intertek supports both EU-based chemical producers and non-EU chemical producers through its locations around the world and REACH Only Representative solution for non-EU chemical producers.
REACH Services for Retailers
REACH Consulting Services
REACH Testing
REACH Registration Services
REACH Pre-Registration Services
REACH Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Services
REACH Only Representative Services
REACH Compliance Certificate Program
REACH Audit Services
REACH Outsourcing Services
REACH Third Party Representative Services
REACH Data Sharing and Compensation Services
REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Services