Most standards for evaluating the strength of objects subjected to force are based upon history and experience, but not current biomechanic data. That void has become a focal point for Intertek research. A priority is comprehensive studies in pediatric biomechanics, focusing on the types and strength of forces children generate.
How it works: Intertek developed strength measuring interfaces by outfitting carefully selected every day toys and sensing equipment. These child-friendly interfaces are portable and unobtrusive devices that measure forces under "real life" play conditions. In Intertek research, children use them in their actual play environments, making possible true anthropometric data. As children play, they are encouraged to apply certain forces at their full strength. The amount and type of encouragement varies with the child's age and ability to understand the commands.
Intertek continually compiles data from a large, diverse population of children. Through statistical analysis, Intertek accurately can predict strength levels of various age groups. This information is invaluable to product manufacturers who target that market segment.