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Discover the success of our clients with Intertek Expert Manuscript Services. Our expertly-crafted manuscripts have been published across diverse scientific disciplines in food and nutrition, showcasing our quality and impact.

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  • Expert Team: Experienced scientists in various fields.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Meeting stringent standards.
  • Focus on Research: Save time and innovate.

View some of the high-quality publications we have authored with our clients here:

Title Journal/Book Publication type Content
Critical review of the current literature on the safety of sucralose Food Chem Toxicol Review Toxicology, Sweeteners, Food additives, Flavouring
Mutagenicity and genotoxicity studies of aspartame Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vitro Sweeteners, Toxicology, Food additives, Flavouring
Risk Assessment Paradigm for Glutamate Ann Nutr Metab Review Toxicology, Flavouring, Food additives, Amino acid
Challenges in the design, interpretation, and reporting of randomized controlled clinical studies on the health effects of whole foods Appl Physiol Nutr Metab Review Study designs
Lactobacillus rhamnosus MP108: Toxicological evaluation J Food Sci Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Probiotics, GRAS, Natural Health Products
Low-/No-Calorie Sweeteners: A Review of Global Intakes Nutrients Expert Opinion Amino acid, Food additives, Sweeteners, GRAS
The Safety and Regulatory Process for Amino Acids in Europe and the United States J Nutr Expert Opinion Toxicology, Flavouring, Amino acid, GRAS, Novel Foods
Determinants of Sweetness Preference: A Scoping Review of Human Studies Nutrients Review Sweeteners
A hard look at FDA's review of GRAS notices Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Expert Opinion GRAS
Assessing the in vivo data on low/no-calorie sweeteners and the gut microbiota Food Chem Toxicol Review Flavouring, Sweeteners, Amino acid
Evaluation of aspartame cancer epidemiology studies based on quality appraisal criteria Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Systematic review Sweeteners, Study designs
Toxicological safety evaluation of pasteurized Akkermansia muciniphila J Appl Toxicol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Probiotics
An appraisal of the published literature on the safety and toxicity of food-related nanomaterials Crit Rev Toxicol Review Nanomaterials, Toxicology, Study designs
Perspectives on the genotoxic risk of styrene J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev Review Toxicology, Genotoxicity
Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid dose-dependently reduce fasting serum triglycerides Nutr Rev Systematic review Oil, Study designs
The safety and regulatory process for low calorie sweeteners in the United States Physiol Behav Review Toxicology, Flavouring, Food additives, Sweeteners
Safety evaluation of Neurospora crassa mycoprotein for use as a novel meat alternative and enhancer Food Chem Toxicol Review Toxicology, Alternative proteins
Alternatives to animal testing in toxicity testing: Current status and future perspectives in food safety assessments Food Chem Toxicol Review Toxicology, Study designs
Influence of observational study design on the interpretation of cancer risk reduction by carotenoids Nutr Rev Systematic review Toxicology, Food additives, Study designs
A Narrative Review of Childhood Picky Eating and Its Relationship to Food Intakes, Nutritional Status, and Growth Nutrients Review  
Safety assessment of the post-harvest treatment of button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) using ultraviolet light Food Chem Toxicol Review Toxicology
Safety assessment of Streptococcus salivarius M18 a probiotic for oral health Benef Microbes Primary, in silico Toxicology, Probiotics, Bioinformatic analysis
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis YLGB-1496-Toxicological evaluation J Appl Toxicol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Probiotics, Genotoxicity, chromosomal aberration assay, Ames test
Vitamin D4 in mushrooms PLoS One Primary, chemical analysis Novel Foods, NDIN, GRAS, Vitamins, whole food
An evaluation of the possible carcinogenicity of bisphenol A to humans Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Review Toxicology, Genotoxicity, Carcinogenicity, Metabolism
Review of subchronic/chronic toxicity of antimony potassium tartrate Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Review Minerals, Subchronic toxicity study, Chronic toxicity
Regulatory landscape of alternatives to animal testing in food safety evaluations with a focus on the western world Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Review Toxicology, Study designs, New Approach methodologies (NAMs), New approach methodologies (NAMs)
Safety assessment of glutaminase from Aspergillus niger Food Sci Nutr Primary, in vivo Subchronic toxicity study, Enzymes, Amino acid, Genotoxicity, Ames test, chromosomal aberration assay
Preclinical safety evaluation of Lipase OF from Candida cylindracea J Appl Toxicol Primary, in vivo Subchronic toxicity study, Enzymes, Ames test, chromosomal aberration assay
Low digestible carbohydrates (polyols and lactose): significance of adrenal medullary proliferative lesions in the rat Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Review Toxicology, Dietary fibers, Prebiotics, Regulatory assessment
The Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) in risk assessment Toxicol Lett Review Toxicology, Bioinformatic analysis
A comprehensive review of oral glucosamine use and effects on glucose metabolism in normal and diabetic individuals Diabetes Metab Res Rev Review Metabolism
A comparison of the LDL-cholesterol lowering efficacy of plant stanols and plant sterols over a continuous dose range: results of a meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids Systematic review Toxicology, Fatty acids, Meta-anaysis
A critical review of the data related to the safety of quercetin and lack of evidence of in vivo toxicity, including lack of genotoxic/carcinogenic properties Food Chem Toxicol Review Carcinogenicity, Genotoxicity, Toxicology, Flavonoids
The effects of almond consumption on fasting blood lipid levels: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials J Nutr Sci Systematic review Meta-anaysis, whole food
Is Splenda, or Sucralose, Causally Linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Inflamm Bowel Dis Review Sweeteners
Toxicology review and risk assessment of resorcinol: thyroid effects Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Review Chronic toxicity
Impact of low v. moderate intakes of long-chain n-3 fatty acids on risk of coronary heart disease Br J Nutr Review Toxicology, Oil, Fatty acids, Clinical trials
Genotoxicity, acute, and subchronic toxicity evaluation of dried Neurospora crassa protein-rich biomass Toxicol Res (Camb) Primary, in vivo Subchronic toxicity study, Genotoxicity
Fructose-Glucose Composite Carbohydrates and Endurance Performance: Critical Review and Future Perspectives Sports Med Review Sweeteners
Review of evidence relating to occupational exposure limits for alpha-diketones and acetoin, and considerations for deriving an occupational exposure limit for 2,3-pentanedione Crit Rev Toxicol Review Toxicology, Chronic toxicity, Occupational exposures, Inhalational toxicity
Liver biomarkers in adults: Evaluation of associations with reported green tea consumption and use of green tea supplements in U.S. NHANES Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Review Natural Health Products, Flavonoids, NDIN
Viadent usage and oral leukoplakia: a spurious association Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Review Toxicology, Genotoxicity, Carcinogenicity
A reassessment of risk associated with dietary intake of ochratoxin A based on a lifetime exposure model Crit Rev Toxicol Review Toxicology, Chronic toxicity, Genotoxicity, Carcinogenicity
Neonatal subchronic toxicity and in vitro genotoxicity studies of the human-identical milk oligosaccharide 3-fucosyllactose J Appl Toxicol Primary, in vivo Subchronic toxicity study, Ames test, Toxicology, Dietary fibers
Preclinical safety evaluation of the human-identical milk oligosaccharide lacto-N-tetraose Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Dietary fibers, Prebiotics, Toxicology, Genotoxicity, Subchronic toxicity study
Safety evaluation of AMP deaminase from Aspergillus oryzae Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Genotoxicity, Enzymes, Subchronic toxicity study
Low- and no-calorie sweetener intakes in the Brazilian population estimated using added sugar substitution modelling Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess Primary, in silico Sweeteners, Dietary exposure
Reproductive and developmental toxicity screening study of an acetone extract of rosemary Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Reproductive toxicity, Developmental toxicity, Food additives, Flavouring
Safety evaluation of arabinase (arabinan endo-1,5-α-L-arabinanase) from Aspergillus tubingensis Food Sci Nutr Primary, in vivo Enzymes, Genotoxicity, Subchronic toxicity study, Ames test, Chromosomal aberration assay
Safety assessment of a solid lipid curcumin particle preparation: In vitro and in vivo genotoxicity studies J Appl Toxicol Primary, in vivo Chromosomal aberration assay, Ames test, Subchronic toxicity study
Safety evaluation of the human-identical milk monosaccharide, l-fucose Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO), Reproductive toxicity, Developmental toxicity, Subchronic toxicity study, Toxicology
Lipid-soluble green tea extract: Genotoxicity and subchronic toxicity studies Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Flavonoids, Genotoxicity, Chromosomal aberration assay, Subchronic toxicity study
Genotoxicity and subchronic toxicity studies of supercritical carbon dioxide and acetone extracts of rosemary Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Genotoxicity, Ames test, Subchronic toxicity study, Flavouring, Food additives
Contribution of 100% Fruit Juice to Micronutrient Intakes in the United States, United Kingdom and Brazil Nutrients Primary, in silico Dietary exposure
Safety evaluation of fish protein hydrolysate supplementation in malnourished children Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, Clinical trial Amino acid, Protein, Toxicology
Subchronic toxicity evaluation of aloesin Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Subchronic toxicity study
Subchronic toxicity evaluation of potato protein isolates Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Subchronic toxicity study, Protein
Genotoxicity, acute and subchronic toxicity evaluation of savory food ingredients Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Flavouring, Food additives
Subchronic (90-day) toxicity assessment of Somacy-FP100, a lipopolysaccharide-containing fermented wheat flour extract from Pantoea agglomerans J Appl Toxicol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Subchronic toxicity study
Broccoli seed extract: Genotoxicity and subchronic toxicity studies Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Genotoxicity, Subchronic toxicity study
Safety evaluation of water-soluble palm fruit bioactives Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Subchronic toxicity study, Ames test, Chromosomal aberration assay
Effects of Unsweetened Preloads and Preloads Sweetened with Caloric or Low-/No-Calorie Sweeteners on Subsequent Energy Intakes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Human Intervention Studies Adv Nutr Systematic review Sweeteners, Study designs
Safety evaluation of amylomaltase from Thermus aquaticus Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Enzymes, Toxicology, Ames test, Chromosomal aberration assay, Subchronic toxicity study
In silico and in vitro safety assessment of a fungal biomass from Rhizomucor pusillus for use as a novel food ingredient Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in silico Bioinformatic analysis
Toxicological safety evaluation of a novel highly bioavailable turmeric extract formulation J Appl Toxicol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Subchronic toxicity study, Genotoxicity, Ames test
Safety assessment of miraculin using in silico and in vitro digestibility analyses Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in silico Digestibility Assay, Alternative testing, Allergenicity, Proteomics
Clinical safety evaluation of marine oil derived from Calanus finmarchicus Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, Clinical trial Oil, Safety Evaluation
Preclinical safety evaluation of triacylglycerol lipase QLM from Burkholderia ubonensis Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Subchronic toxicity study, Genotoxicity, Ames test, Chromosomal aberration assay
Systematic review and evaluation of aspartame carcinogenicity bioassays using quality criteria Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Systematic review Sweeteners, Food additives
Toxicological safety evaluation of the human-identical milk oligosaccharide 6'-sialyllactose sodium salt J Appl Toxicol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO), Dietary fibers, Developmental toxicity, Subchronic toxicity study
Dietary Exposures to Common Emulsifiers and Their Impact on the Gut Microbiota: Is There a Cause for Concern? Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf Expert Opinion Toxicology, Flavouring, Food additives
Chewing gum consumption in the United States among children, adolescents and adults Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess Intake Assessment Dietary exposure
Genotoxicity and subchronic toxicity evaluation of dried Euglena gracilis ATCC PTA-123017 Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Dietary fibers, Genotoxicity, Subchronic toxicity study, Ames test
Vitamin D mushrooms: comparison of the composition of button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) treated postharvest with UVB light or sunlight J Agric Food Chem Primary, chemical analysis Vitamins, Whole food
An Appetite for Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Protein Content Claims in Canada Nutrients Expert Opinion Regulatory assessment, Protein, Amino acid
In silico evaluation of the potential allergenicity of a fungal biomass from Rhizomucor pusillus for use as a novel food ingredient Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in silico Bioinformatic analysis, Novel Foods, Allergenicity
Chemical-specific adjustment factors (inter-species toxicokinetics) to establish the ADI for steviol glycosides Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Expert Opinion Sweeteners, Pharmacokinetics, Safety Evaluation
An open-label, acute clinical trial in adults to assess ketone levels, gastrointestinal tolerability, and sleepiness following consumption of (R)-1,3-butanediol (Avela™) Front Physiol Primary, Clinical trial Safety Evaluation
Safety evaluation of a mixture of the human-identical milk oligosaccharides 2'-fucosyllactose and difucosyllactose Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in vivo Dietary fibers, Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO), Toxicology, Subchronic toxicity study, Genotoxicity, Developmental toxicity
Acute and subchronic toxicity studies of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) disodium salt (BioPQQ™) in rats Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Subchronic toxicity study, Dietary supplements
Krill oil supplementation lowers serum triglycerides without increasing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in adults with borderline high or high triglyceride levels Nutr Res Primary, Clinical trial Oil, Clinical trials, Natural Health Products, Safety Evaluation
In vitro and in vivo assessment of the genotoxic activity of aloesin Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Genotoxicity, Ames test
In vitro metabolism of rebaudioside B, D, and M under anaerobic conditions: comparison with rebaudioside A Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vitro Sweeteners, Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism
Low- and no-calorie sweetener intakes from beverages - an up-to-date assessment in four regions: Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the United States Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess Primary, Intake Assessment Sweeteners, Dietary exposure
Toxicological evaluation of a pumpkin-derived pectin preparation: in vitro genotoxicity studies and a 13-week oral toxicity study in Sprague-Dawley rats Toxicol Res (Camb) Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Dietary fibers, Genotoxicity, Subchronic toxicity study, Ames test, Chromosomal aberration assay, Carbohydrates
Safety evaluation of highly-branched cyclic dextrin and a 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme from Bacillus stearothermophilus Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Dietary fibers, Genotoxicity, Subchronic toxicity study, Carbohydrates
Steviol glycosides in purified stevia leaf extract sharing the same metabolic fate Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vitro Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, Food additives, Sweeteners
Histological analyses of the Ishii (1981) rat carcinogenicity study of aspartame and comparison with the Ramazzini Institute studies Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Expert Opinion Sweeteners, Food additives, Study designs, Carcinogenicity
Safety evaluation of 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzymes from Bacillus stearothermophilus and Aquifex aeolicus expressed in Bacillus subtilis Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Enzymes, Subchronic toxicity study, Ames test, Chromosomal aberration assay, Genotoxicity
Subchronic and reproductive toxicity of whole dried Hoodia parviflora aerial parts in the rat Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in vivo Dietary supplements, Reproductive toxicity, Subchronic toxicity study, Toxicology
Subchronic and reproductive/developmental (screening level) toxicity of complexation products of iron trichloride and sodium tartrate (FemTA) J Food Sci Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Reproductive toxicity, Developmental toxicity, Minerals
Method for calculating ADI-derived guidance values for drug carryover levels in medicated feeds Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Expert Opinion Toxicology, Regulatory assessment, Dietary exposure
Effects of a Fermented Dairy Drink Containing Lacticaseibacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei CNCM I-1518 (Lactobacillus casei CNCM I-1518) and the Standard Yogurt Cultures on the Incidence, Duration, and Severity of Common Infectious Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Nutrients Systematic review Meta-anaysis, Probiotics, Clinical trials, Study designs, Tolerability
Genotoxicity of dried Hoodia parviflora aerial parts Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in vitro Toxicology, Genotoxicity, Ames test, Dietary supplements
Corrigendum to "Safety assessment of miraculin using in silico and in vitro digestibility analyses" [Food Chem. Toxicol. 133 (2019 Nov) 110762] Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in vivo Digestibility Assay, Bioinformatic analysis
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials on the Effects of Oats and Oat Processing on Postprandial Blood Glucose and Insulin Responses J Nutr Systematic review Meta-anaysis, Dietary fibers, Clinical trials
Genetic and acute toxicological evaluation of an algal oil containing eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and palmitoleic acid Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in vivo Oil, Toxicology, Genotoxicity, Ames test
Benzoates intakes from non-alcoholic beverages in Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the United States Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess Primary, Intake Assessment Dietary exposure, Food additives
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicentre Trial of the Effects of a Shrimp Protein Hydrolysate on Blood Pressure Int J Hypertens Primary, Clinical trial Clinical trials, Protein, Safety Evaluation
Lack of human tissue-specific correlations for rodent pancreatic and colorectal carcinogens Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Expert Opinion Carcinogenicity, Toxicology
Safety evaluation of an enzymatically-synthesized glycogen (ESG) Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Primary, in vivo Carbohydrates, Toxicology, Safety Evaluation
Assessment of Intakes and Patterns of Cooked Oatmeal Consumption in the U.S. Using Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys Nutrients Primary, Intake Assessment Dietary exposure, Dietary fibers, Regulatory assessment
Comparison of estimated daily intakes of flavouring substances with no-observed-effect levels Food Chem Toxicol Primary, in silico Flavouring, Food additives, Dietary exposure, Safety Evaluation
Technological challenges of addressing new and more complex migrating products from novel food packaging materials Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess Expert Opinion Novel Foods, Safety Evaluation, Toxicology
Systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled intervention studies on the effectiveness of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Nutr Rev Systematic review Meta-anaysis, Oil, Safety Evaluation, Clinical trials, Study designs
The effects of whole-grain compared with refined wheat, rice, and rye on the postprandial blood glucose response: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Am J Clin Nutr Systematic review Meta-anaysis, Dietary fibers, Clinical trials, Study designs, Whole food
Safety evaluation of a peptide product derived from sardine protein hydrolysates (valtyron) Int J Toxicol Primary, in vivo Toxicology, Safety Evaluation, Protein, Amino acid, Genotoxicity, Ames test
An evaluation of the maximized survey-derived daily intake (MSDI) as a practical method to estimate intake of flavouring substances Food Chem Toxicol Expert Opinion Dietary exposure, Safety Evaluation, Food additives, Flavouring
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