ANSI/NALFA LF-01 Section 3.2: Thickness Swell
Standard: ANSI/NALFA LF-01Section 3.2 – Thickness Swell
Certification Required: Required for the NALFA Certification Seal
Scope: Per ANSI/NALFA LF-01 Section 3.2: "This test measures the ability of laminate flooring to resist increase in thickness after being exposed to water."
Applicable Products: Laminate flooring
Test Procedure: The initial thickness is measured at the edge of the middle point of the four sides of each specimen. The specimen is then submerged in water for a total of 24 hours. Upon removal from the water the specimen thicknesses are measured in the same location as the initial measurements. The thickness swell value is then calculated and averaged for all the specimens.
End Result: This test results in the average thickness and thickness swell.
Special Notes: N/A
Intertek Testing Locations: York, PA