Standard: ASTM E2965 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Low Levels of Heat Release Rate for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter

Scope: Measuring the response of materials that emit low levels of heat release when exposed to controlled levels of radiant heating with or without an external igniter

Applicable Products: Materials and products that contain only small amounts of combustible ingredients or components, such as test specimens that yield a heat release of <200 kW/m² and total heat release of <15 MJ/m². Materials with a total heat release of <10MJ over the first 20 min test period and which do not give peak heat release rates of more than 200 kW/m² for periods extending more than 10 sec.

Test Procedure: ASTM E1354 test results with a heat release of <200 kW/m² and total heat release of <15 MJ/m². Sample size of 150mm x 150mm up to 50mm thick of the representative of the end use product.

End Result: Ability to get more accurate measurements at lower heat levels for use on material and product evaluations, mathematical modeling, design purposes, and development and research.

Intertek Testing Locations: Middleton, WI