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- A randomised clinical trial to evaluate the effect of a 67 % sodium bicarbonate containing dentifrice on 0.2 % chlorhexidine digluconate mouthwash tooth staining. I. Akwagyiram, A. Butler, R. Maclure, P. Colgan, N. Yan, M.L. Bosma. BMC Oral Health 2016; 16:79
- A randomised non-inferiority clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of two dentifrices for dentin hypersensitivity. S Young, F Sufi, M Siddiqi, R. Maclure, J. Holt. Journal of Clinical Dentistry 2016 Dec; 27(4):97-104
- A randomised clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of alcohol-free or alcohol-containing mouthrinses with chlorhexidine on gingival bleeding. A.Jose, A. Butler, D. Payne, R. Maclure, P. Rimmer, M.L. Bosma British Dental Journal 2015 Aug 14;219(3):125-30
- Plaque triclosan concentration and antimicrobial efficacy of a new calcium carbonate toothpaste with 0.3% triclosan compared to a marketed 0.3% triclosan toothpaste, s. Srinivasan S. Chandrasekhar KV. Shashikumar, D. Payne, R. Maclure, B. Kapadiya, F. Schäfer, S. Adams, Journal Clinical Dentistry 2013;24(2):68-72.
- A randomised clinical trial to assess control of oral malodour by a novel dentifrice containing 0.1%w/w o-cymen-5-ol, 0.6%w/w zinc chloride. D. Payne, JJ. Gordon, S. Nisbet, R. Karwal, M.L. Bosma. International Dental Journal, 2011 Aug;61 Suppl 3:60-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1875-595X.2011.00051.x.
- Effects of Zinc and Fluoride on the Remineralisation of Artificial Carious Lesions under Simulated Plaque Fluid Conditions, R.J.M. Lynch, D. Churchley, A. Butler, S. Kearns, G.V. Thomas, T.C. Badrock, L. Cooper & S.M. Higham, Caries Research 2011;45:313-322
- A Comparative Clinical Study Investigating the Efficacy of a Dentifrice Containing 8% Strontium Acetate and 1040 ppm Fluoride in a Silica Base and a Control Dentifrice Containing 1450 ppm Fluoride in a Silica Base to Provide Immediate Relief of Dentin Hypersensitivity, S. Mason, N. Hughes, F. Sufi, L. Bannon, B. Maggio, M. North, J. Holt, Journal Clinical Dentistry 2010: 21 (Spec iss):42-48
- Evaluation of stain removal by Phillips Sonicare Diamond Clean power toothbrush and manual brushes, P. Colgan, M. DeLaurenti, M. Johnson, W. Jenkins, J. Strate. Data on File (Phillips) 2010
- Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of mutans streptococci in forensic odontological Anaylsis, P.S. Spradbery, Bioscience Horizons, 3(2), 166-178. 2010
- Comparison of Sonicare for Kids and Colgate childrens battery toothbrush in children aged 7 to 10. D. Payne, P. Rimmer, M. Olson, A. Master, W. Jenkins, P. Schmitt, J. Strate. 2009, International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry, 19:sl.
- Effects of Flossing and Rinsing with a Fluoridated Mouthwash after Brushing with a Fluoridated Toothpaste on Salivary Fluoride Clearance. R.M. Duckworth, C. Horay, E. Huntington, V. Mehta, Caries Research 2009;43:387-390
- Comparison of plaque removal by Sonicare FlexCare and Oral-B Sonic Complete®, J. Holt, M McGrady, W Jenkins, P Schmitt, D Sturm, A Hefti. Journal of Dental Research 87 (Special Issue A): 1153, 2008
- Evaluation of a new silica whitening toothpaste containing blue covarine on anterior restoration materials in vitro, A.T. Ashcroft, T.F. Cox, A. Joiner, M. Laucello,C.J. Philpotts, P.S. Spradbery, N.J. Sygrove, Journal of Dentistry, 36(S), 26-31. 2008
- A Randomized, Parallel-design Study to Compare the Effects of the Sonicare FlexCare and the Oral-B P40 Manual Toothbrush on Plaque and Gingivitis, J. Holt, D. Sturm, A. Master, W. Jenkins, P. Schmitt, A. Hefti, Compendium of Continued Education in Dentistry 2007 Sep;28(09 Suppl 1):35-41.
- In Vivo evaluation of an oral health toothpaste with 0.1% vitamin E acetate and 0.5% sunflower oil (with vitamin F), F. Schafer, S.E. Adams, J.A. Nicholson, T.F Cox, M. McGrady, F. Moore, International Dental Journal (2007) 57, 119-123
- Delivery of vitamin E acetate and sunflower oil to gums from fluoride toothpaste containing 0.1% vitamin E acetate and 0.5% sunflower oil. A.K. Green, J. Alcock, T.F. Cox, P. J. Abraham, D. Savage and M. McGrady, International Dental Journal, 57(S2), 124-128, 2007
- The anti-caries efficacy of a silica-based fluoride toothpaste containing zinc citrate, triclosan, vitamin E and sunflower oil, M. Laucello, N Noel, R. Ferro, RJM Lynch, C. Lipscombe, International Dental Journal (2007) 57, 145-149
- The effect of a calcium/pelite toothpaste on the removal of extrinsic tooth stain in two weeks, L.Z. Collins, M. Naeeni, F. Schafer, C. Brignoli, A. Schiavi, J. Roberts, P. Colgan, International Dental Journal 2005;55(3 Suppl 1):179-82
- The measurement in vitro of enamel and dentine wear by toothpastes of different abrasivity, C.J. Philpotts, E. Weader and A. Joiner, International Dental Journal, 2005 55 183-187
- Abrasion of human enamel and dentine caused by toothpastes of differing abrasivity determined using an in situ wear model, M.J. Pickles, A. Joiner, E. Weader, Y.L. Cooper T.F. Cox, International Dental Journal, 2005 55 188-193
- The Measurement of enamel and dentine abrasion by tooth whitening products using an in situ model, A. Joiner, L.Z. Collins, T.F. Cox, M.J. Pickles, E. Weader, C. Lipscombe, J.S. Holt, International Dental Journal, 2005 55 194-196
- Managing dentin hypersensitivity, R. Orchardson and D.G. Gillam, Journal of American Dental Association 2006;137;990-998
- Effect of a Novel Integrated Power Toothbrush and Toothpaste Oral Hygiene System on Gingivitis, P. Barlow, X. Zhou, J. Roberts, P. Colgan, Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2004 Oct;25(10 Suppl 1):15-20.
- An In Situ Model to Study the Toothpaste Abrasion of Enamel, A. Joiner, M.J. Pickles, C. Tanner, E. Weader and P. Doyle, Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2004 31 434-438
- Evaluation of a 6% hydrogen peroxide tooth whitening gel on enamel and dentine microhardness in vitro, A. Joiner, G. Thakker, Y. Cooper, Journal of Dentistry Volume 32, Supplement, 2004, Pages 27–34
- Plaque antibacterial levels following controlled food intake and use of a toothpaste containing 2% zinc citrate, 0.3% triclosan., P.J. Hall, A.K. Green, C.P. Horay, S. de Brabander, T.J. Beasley, V.J. Cromwell, J.S. Holt, D.J. Savage, International Dental Journal. 2003 Dec;53(6 suppl 1):379-84
- The effect of a 2% zinc citrate, 0.3% triclosan dentifrice on plaque acid production following consumption of a snackfood, A.K. Green, C.P. Horay, A.M. Lloyd, P.J. Abraham, T.F. Cox, J.S. Holt, D.J. Savage. International Dental Journal. 2003 Dec;53(6 suppl 1):385-90
- The effect of a toothpaste containing 2% zinc citrate and 0.3% triclosanon the glycolysis of plaque bacteria ex vivo after food intake. S.E. Adams, A.M. Lloyd, M.A. Naeeni, Y.L. Cooper, J.S. Holt, International Dental Journal 2003 Dec;53(6 suppl 1):391-7
- The effect of a toothpaste containing 2% zinc citrate and 0.3% triclosan on Bacterial viability and plaque growth in vivo compared to a toothpaste containing 0.3% triclosan and 2% copolymer, S.E. Adams, A.J. Theobald, N.M. Jones, M.G. Brading, T.F. Cox, A. Mendez, D.M. Chesters, D.G. Gillam, C. Hall, J.S. Holt., International Dental Journal. 2003 Dec 53(6 suppl 1):398-403
- The effect of oral care feed-back devices on plaque removal and attitudes towards oral care, F. Schafer, J.A. Nicholson, N. Gerritsen, R.L. Wright, D.G. Gillam, C. Hall International Dental Journal. 2003 Dec 53(6 suppl 1):404-8
- In vitro evaluation of toothbrush performance using stained enamel blocks. P. Hall, E. Howarth, K.H. Hohls, R. Thomas, D. Bondeson – IADR San Francisco, March 2017
- Plaque Removal of Sonicare Flexcare Platinum versus Oral-B Pro 6000. M.Ward, S.Souza, K. Argosino, S. Ou, R.Maclure, L. Wignall, F. Moore. AADR Annual Meeting Los Angeles, March 2016
- Effects of Two Take-Home Whitening Treatments. M. Delaureti, M. Ward, S. Souza, W. Jenkins, A. Mwatha, J. Cullen-Mahon, D. Payne. AADR Annual Meeting Los Angeles, March 2016
- The Effect of Magnification Loupes on Index Scores and Reproducibility. R. Maclure, P. Garcha, J. Cullen-Mahon, P. Rimmer, F. Moore, E. Speed, L. Wignall, G. Vero, E. Howarth. AADR Annual Meeting Los Angeles, March 2016
- Three RCTs of Tolerability of Oral Healthcare Products in Children. E. Newby, J. Milleman, K. Milleman, D. Payne, R. Maclure, M. Siddiqi, M. L.Bosma. BSODR Annual Meeting Cardiff, September 2015
- RCT of Experimental Cetylpyridinium Chloride Mouthwash Effects on Plaque Re-Growth. D. Shaw, R. Maclure, M. L. Bosma. BSODR Annual Meeting Cardiff, September 2015
- RCT of Stannous Fluoride Toothpaste Antimicrobial Activity in the PGRM. C. Parkinson, R. Maclure, D. Payne, P. Hall, P. Jeffrey. BSODR Annual Meeting Cardiff, September 2015
- Clinical Evaluation of a Moisturising Lotion for Babies and Children with Dry, Irritated or Atopic Dermatitis-Prone Skin. T.Bacon, J. Snatchfold, D. Targett, S. Gardner, R. Haye, E. Howarth. 23rd World Congress of Dermatology, Vancouver June 2015
- A New Tobacco-Derived Stain for Testing Pellicle Cleaning Ratio (PCR). P. J. Hall, G. V. Thomas, T. C. Badrock, M. Evans, C. E. Trotter, T. L. Holland, E. M. Howarth. IADR Boston March 2015
- Comperative In Vitro Total-Extrinsic Stain Reduction of Non-Peroxide Mouthrinses. E.F. Small, P.J. Hall, G.V. Thomas, X. Tian, C.J. Mordas. IADR Boston March 2015
- An Exploratory Study Investigating Different Dentifrice Regimens for the Relief of Dentinal Hypersensitivity. M. Nehme, C.Hall, P. Jeffrey, E. Biggs, J. Holt, R. Maclure. IADR Dubrovnik September 2014
- Plaque Removal Comparison of Two Power Toothbrushes, M. Ward, J. Defenbaugh, S. Souza, M. Nelson, W. Jenkins, F. Moore, R. Maclure. AADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition 19 -22 March 2014
- Disruption of Dental Plaque Biofilms by Two Power Toothbrushes, M. Delaurenti, S. Souza, P. Liu, J. Defenbaugh, W. Jenkins, M. Ward, P. Colgan, D. Deamer. AADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition 19 -22 March 2014
- Plaque removal evaluation between two tooth brushing regimens, M. Aspiras, S. Souza, M. Delaurenti, M. Ward, W. Jenkins, P. Colgan, D. Deamer. AADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition 19 -22 March 2014
- Plaque Removal Assessment of Two Power Toothbrushes, M. Nelson, M. Ward, S. Souza, W. Jenkins, K. Argosino, D. Payne, N. Yan, and P. Rimmer. IADR 91st General Session 20 – 23 March 2013
- Ex-vivo testing of hydrogen peroxide tooth whitening, N.D. Young, J. Gwyer, V. Mohan, P. Battersby, P. Hall, Z. Sabah, E. Howarth, G. Thomas, P. Spradbery and M. Hamer. IADR 91st General Session 20 – 23 March 2013
- In vitro dentine occlusion by an experimental stannous fluoride formulation. P. Hall, R. Wilson, P. Spradberry, M. Evans, L. Davies, E. Howarth, S. Khan – IADR San Francisco, March 2017Plaque removal assessment of two power toothbrushes. M. Nelson, M. Ward, S. Souza, W. Jenkins, K. Argosino, D. Payne, N. Yan, and P. Rimmer, IADR 91st General Session 20 – 23 March 2013
- Plaque removal assessment of two power toothbrushes. M. Nelson, M. Ward, S. Souza, W. Jenkins, K. Argosino, D. Payne, N. Yan, and P. Rimmer – IADR 91st General Session 20 – 23 March 2013
- Ex-vivo testing of hydrogen peroxide tooth whitening. N.D. Young, J. Gwyer, V. Mohan, P. Battersby, P. Hall, Z. Sabah, E. Howarth, G. Thomas, P. Spradbery and M. Hamer – IADR 91st General Session 20 – 23 March 2013
- Subjective Evaluation of a New Toothpaste on Restored Tooth Colour, A.Joiner, E.Cariddi and P. Spradbery. IADR 91st General Session 20 – 23 March 2013
- Evaluation of a New Toothpaste on colour of Restored Teeth, C.J Philpotts, A Joiner, E Cariddi, P Spradbery. PER/ IADR Congress 12 – 15 September 2012
- Performance of an Investigational Patch with Zinc Sulfate for the Treatment of Recurrent Herpes Labialis. D. Chesters P. Allan, C. Howard, K. R. Haye, S. Blanchard, K. Koenig, R. Costa, P. Zhang, N. Nunez. 42nd ESDR Meeting 19 – 22 September 2012
- Plaque Removal Efficacy of Three Power Toothbrushes, M. Ward, P. Amini, P.C. Colgan, W. Jenkins, S. Souza, M. Nelson, and M. Delaurenti. IADR/AADR/ CADR 90th General Session 20 -23 June 2012
- Brushing with a Potassium Nitrate Dentifrice to Reduce Bleaching Sensitivity, N. Hughes, S. Mason, J. Holt, and R. Cordero. IADR/AADR/ CADR 87th General Session and Exhibition 1 -4 April 2009
- Analysis of S.mutans in Plaque by qpcr and Plate Counts, V. Cromwell, S. Adams, M. Brading, G. Nixon, N. Harris, J.S. Holt, D. Savage, and T. Cox. IADR Pan European Federation 10 – 12 September 2008
- Intra-oral potassium dispersion profile of a gel-to-foam toothpaste, P. Hall, P. Spradbery, D.S. Hill, C.P. Horay, A.P. Barlow. IADR Pan European Federation 10 – 12 September 2008
- Comparative Efficacy of Two Sonic Toothbrushes on Plaque, J.S. Holt, M. McGrady, W. Jenkins, P. Schmitt, D. Sturm, and A.F. Hefti. The AADR 37th Annual Meeting and Exhibition 31 March – 5 April 2008
- A split-mouth experimental gingivitis model for the evaluation of toothpaste, A. Lloyd, J. Matheson, M. Naeeni, D. Gillam, M. McGrady, and N. O'Reilly. IADR Pan European Federation 13 – 16 September 2006
- In Vitro Anti-caries Efficacy of a Whitening Toothpaste, N. Noel, M. Laucello, R. Ferro, and C. Lipscombe. IADR Pan European Federation 13 – 16 September 2006
- Plaque growth inhibition following use of cetyl pyridinium chloride toothpastes, A. Green, A. Lloyd, J. Matheson, M. Mcgrady, R. Armstrong, D. Chesters and E. Huntington. IADR General Session & Exhibition 28 Jun – 1 Jul 2006
- Anti-plaque efficacy of a toothpaste against sucrose challenge, F. Schäfer, A. Lloyd, D. Gillam and D. Chesters. IADR General Session & Exhibition 28 Jun – 1 Jul 2006
- Advantages of Brushing Twice-per-day compared to Once-per-day, S.E. Adams, V.J. Cromwell, A.J. Theobald, M.G. Brading, A.K. Green, T.F. Cox, M. McGrady, D. Savage. ADEA/ AADR/ CADR Meeting & Exhibition 8-11 March 2006
- Measurement of Dentifrice Abrasivity on Enamel and Dentine In Situ, A. Joiner, L.Z. Collins, and J.S. Holt. ADEA/ AADR/ CADR Meeting & Exhibition 8-11 March 2006
- Benefits of Brushing Morning and Evening Versus Morning Only, V.J. Cromwell, A.J. Theobald, M. Brading, C. Horay, A. Green, T. Cox, J. Holt, R. Armstrong. IADR/ AADR/ CADR 83rd General Session 9-12 Mar 2005
- Effect of Zinc/Triclosan and Triclosan/Copolymer Toothpastes on Plaque Lactate, A. Green, C. Horay, A. Lloyd, T.F. Cox, D. Gillam, D. Savage. IADR/ AADR/ CADR 83rd General Session 9-12 Mar 2005
- Plaque-growth inhibition of a toothpaste with 2% zinc-citrate, 0.3% triclosan, F. Schafer, A. Lloyd, J. Nicholson, J. Holt, H. Bryan, J. Campbell, C. Trevisan. IADR/ AADR/ CADR 83rd General Session 9-12 March 2005
- Abrasivity of three dentifrices to human enamel assessed in situ, M.J. Pickles, A. Joiner, E. Weader, T.F. Cox. IADR/ AADR/ CADR 83rd General Session 9-12 March 2005
- Comparison of Plaque removal by Sonicare elite and manual toothbrushes, J. Holt, R. A. Armstrong, E. Weader, E. Huntington, K. Ortblad. IADR/AADR/ CADR 82nd General Session 10 -13 March 2004
- Plaque and saliva ph pre and post toothbrushing, F. Schafer, J.A. Nicholson, P. Abraham, T. Cox, J. Holt, D. Gillam, E. Weader, D. Savage. IADR/AADR/ CADR 82nd General Session 10 -13 March 2004
- Clinical Evaluation of a Moisturising Lotion for Babies and Children with Dry, Irritated or Atopic Dermatitis-prone Skin. T.Bacon, J. Snatchfold, D. Targett, S. Gardner, R. Haye, E. Howarth – 23rd World Congress of Dermatology, Vancouver June 2015 Performance of an investigational patch with zinc sulfate for the treatment of recurrent Herpes Labialis. D. Chesters P. Allan, C. Howard, K. R. Haye, S. Blanchard, K. Koenig, R. Costa, P. Zhang, N. Nunez – 42nd ESDR Meeting 19 – 22 September 2012
- Ethics of Studies Involving Human Volunteers (I) Historical Background. P. Carson, J. Holt, Journal Cosmetic Science 2006 May/June; 57: 215-221
- Ethics of Studies Involving Human Volunteers (II) Relevance and Practical Implementation for Cosmetic Scientists. P. Carson, J. Holt, Journal Cosmetic Science 2006 May/June; 57: 223-231
- The Ethical Impact of the UK Human Tissue Act for the Food, Cosmetics, Toiletries and Detergents Industries. P.A. Carson, J. Holt, M.G. McGrady, Research Ethics Review. 2006; 2 (1) 10-14
- Hand Hygiene and Radiographically-Confirmed Pneumonia Among Young Children Living in Urban Dhaka, Bangladesh: Preliminary Results from a Case-Control Study. B.J. Silk, S. Doshi, D. Dutt, P. Hall, G. Salahuddin, M. Begum, D. Goswami, M. Ahmed, W. A Brooks, S. Luby, A. Fry, A. Cohen, P.K. Ram, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 59th Annual Meeting 3-7 Nov 2010
- The Effect of a Soap Promotion and Hygiene Education Campaign on Handwashing Behaviour in Rural India: a Cluster Randomised Trial. A. Biran, W-P. Schmidt, R. Wright, T. Jones, M. Seshadri, P. Isaac, N.A. Nathan, P. Hall, J. McKenna, S. Granger, P. Bidinger and V. Curtis, Tropical Medicine and International Health, 14 (10), pp 1303-1314 (October 2009)
- Is Structured Observation a Valid Technique to Measure Handwashing Behavior? Use of Acceleration Sensors Embedded in Soap to Assess Reactivity to Structured Observation, P.K. Ram, A.K. Halder, S.P. Granger, T. Jones, P. Hall, D. Hitchcock, R. Wright, B. Nygren, M.S. Islam, J.W. Molyneaux, S.P. Luby, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 83(5), 2010, pp. 1070–1076.
- Variability in Hand Contamination Based on Serial Measurements: Implications for Assessment of Hand-Cleansing Behavior and Disease Risk, P.K. Ram, I. Jahid, A.K. Halder, B. Nygren, M.S. Islam, S.P. Granger, J W. Molyneaux, and S. P. Luby, 4-Front Research Capenhurst, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 84(4), 2011, pp. 510–516
- Use of Electronic Loggers to Measure Changes in the Rates of Hand Washing with Soap in Low-Income Urban Household in India, R.L. Wright, R. Zillmer, A. Biran, P. Hall, M. Sidibe. PLoS ONE 10(6):e0131187. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0131187
- A Web-Based Weight Loss Programme Including Breakfast Cereals Results in Greater Loss of Body Mass than a Standardised Web-Based Programme in a Randomised Controlled Trial, M. Ashwell, E. Howarth, D. Chesters, P. Allan, A. Hoyland, J. Walton, Obesity Facts 2014; 7:361-375
- Short term (14 days) Consumption of Insoluble Wheat Bran Fibre-containing Breakfast Cereals Improves Subjective Digestive Feelings, General Wellbeing and Bowel Function in a Dose Dependent Manner, C.L. Lawton, J. Walton, A. Hoyland, E. Howarth, P. Allan, D. Chesters, Dye L., Nutrients. 2013 Apr 22;5(4):1436-55.
- Fermented Milk Containing Bifidobacterium Lactis DN-173 010 improved self-reported digestive comfort amongst a general population of adults. A randomized, open-label, controlled, pilot study, D. Guyonnet, A. Woodcock, B. Stefani, C. Trevisan, C. Hall, Journal of Digestive Diseases, 2009 Feb, Volume 10, Issue 1, pages 61–70