Manufacturer’s description:

Arcade1Up debuts the Infinity Game Table featuring digital versions of both classic and iconic board games like Hasbro’s Monopoly™, Scrabble™, Trivial Pursuit™, Chutes and Ladders™, Candy Land™, Yahtzee™, puzzles, card games, coloring books, mini-games, comic books, and many more licensed and indie games to be announced in the near future!

Arcade1Up Infinity Game Table

Model No. 8207
Software version:


EXPIREDCyber Assured Certified

Certification ID: 200004
Certification: Cyber Assured 1.0
Certified On: 13 Nov 2020
Programming code that has been blurred at the edges of visual effect

Intertek Cyber Assured

Intertek’s Cyber Assured program helps manufacturers and brands meet this challenge by providing comprehensive, risk-appropriate, IoT security testing for connected consumer products, continuous vulnerability monitoring, a certification mark and an external website.