Contamination testing of drill mud in formation samples.
Intertek determines the true nature of formation oil recovered and the degree of contamination by oil-based drill mud. Drilling clients need to understand if oil recovered during a series of Repeat Formation Tests (RFT) was naturally occurring formation fluid or oil based mud, and if both were present, the degree of contamination from the drill mud.
Testing petroleum reservoir fluids and drilling mud for accuracy brings benefits when determining possible drill mud contamination:
- Immediately assess the prospectivity of the reservoir formation tested.
- Determine the value of the reservoir from true and accurate sample testing.
Drill mud contamination analysis:
The cost benefits of using oil-based mud can be significant, but the effect on the quality of formation fluid samples recovered during RFT testing of potential reservoirs is considerable. Evaluating the results of testing can be difficult if the potential for sample contamination by drilling fluid is not well understood.
Through conducting a series of whole oil gas chromatography analyses on base oil used to make up the drilling mud and the RFT fluid itself, Intertek scientists determine the true nature of the base oil and reservoir formation fluid. This allows the lab to detect contamination, if any received, from the mud drilling fluid.
Oil and Gas clients are able to assess the prospectivity of the reservoir formation tested. Intertek determines the degree of contamination of oil based drill mud, and provides detailed Total Quality Assurance testing on crude oil that proved to be naturally occurring hydrocarbons. The client will able to determine the value of the reservoir from true and accurate sample testing conducted by Intertek.
Drilling fluid services:
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