Analytical testing solutions to ensure the quality and regulatory compliance of a wide variety of dietary supplements, botanicals and natural products
Intertek Champaign Laboratory specializes in analytical testing to assess nutraceuticals or supplements, botanicals, and natural products for quality and regulatory compliance. Through our extensive expertise in analytical chemistry, botanical chemistry, analytical biochemistry, and microbiology analysis, we offer analytical testing of functional foods, supplements, pharmaceutical products, and cosmetics.
Our comprehensive testing solutions, along with an in-depth understanding of regulatory requirements, provide total quality assurance across a product’s life cycle.
Learn more about our Champaign Food Services.
Dietary Nutrient, Supplement, and Functional Food Testing
Regulatory consulting and analytical testing of nutritional products
Regulatory consulting and analytical testing of nutritional products
Nutraceutical and Natural Product Testing
Ensure quality and regulatory compliance
Ensure quality and regulatory compliance
Natural Ingredient Identification
Providing total quality assurance to the nutraceutical industry
Providing total quality assurance to the nutraceutical industry
Nutraceutical Product Safety Testing
Assurance of quality and purity of nutraceutical ingredients and products
Assurance of quality and purity of nutraceutical ingredients and products
Cosmetic and Cosmeceutical Product Testing
Ensuring quality, purity, and safety across the supply chain
Ensuring quality, purity, and safety across the supply chain
Nutraceutical and Functional Food Adulteration Services
Ensuring quality and purity in food products
Ensuring quality and purity in food products
Nutraceutical LC-MS Analytical Services
Meet with our team at upcoming industry events and conferences
Meet with our team at upcoming industry events and conferences