Delve into key honey testing trends observed across 2023- 2024

2023 saw many significant moments for the honey industry in the European Union and the United States. These include the overhaul of the EU’s 20-year-old Honey Directive, publication of the EU Joint Research Centre’s report on foreign sugars in honey, and new testing recommendations announced by honey associations in the US and Germany. Our honey team continued to see the familiar issues with honey authenticity, safety, and traceability throughout the year, once again highlighting the importance of stringent quality control measures and the need for comprehensive industry standards. 

Download your copy of our 2023-24 Honey Testing Annual Report to delve into the trends we’ve observed for heavy metals, authenticity, pesticides, pyrrolizidine alkaloids and antibiotics in honey during 2023. All data in this report has been compiled from honey testing conducted at our centre of excellence in Bremen, Germany throughout 2023.