04 Oct 2017

Connecting buyers with quality assured manufacturers and sellers of off-grid lighting products through the VeraSol (previously Lighting Global Quality Assurance) programme.

The VeraSol programme supports the growing global market for modern off-grid energy with a widely applicable, rigorous Quality Assurance (QA) framework to strengthen and develop the private sector in countries such as Kenya, Nigeria, Niger, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, and Papua New Guinea. 

An evolution of Lighting Global Quality Assurance, the VeraSol program supports high-performing, durable off-grid products that expand access to modern energy services for those without reliable access to electricity. VeraSol builds upon the strong foundation for quality assurance laid by the World Bank Group. Like Lighting Global Quality Assurance, CLASP and the Schatz Energy Research Center at Humboldt State University manage the VeraSol programme. Foundational support is provided by the World Bank Group’s Lighting Global program, UKaid, IKEA Foundation, Good Energies Foundation, and others.

Intertek has signed a Cooperation Agreement with CLASP authorizing Intertek to support their VeraSol Program through inspection, testing, and other verification activities.

VeraSol and the World Bank collaborate with the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA), the solar energy services industry, and development partners to spur the growth of markets for clean, affordable, modern energy services.

This programme requires qualified manufacturers or vendors of off-grid lighting products/pico-lighting products to verify their products via an approved quality assurance company such as Intertek to meet the requirements of IEC TS 62257-9-8. Products verified and found to meet these quality standards are listed on the VeraSol website. VeraSol-certified products can gain entry into important markets (including Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania) and are eligible for many bulk procurements, results-based financing schemes, working capital facilities, and other initiatives.

The product verification process covers inspection and testing according to IEC TS 62257-9-5 and IEC TS 62257-9-8 and results reporting for off-gird lighting products worldwide. 

Intertek is approved to conduct verification for VeraSol.

Hong Kong Location

Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd.
5B Garment Centre,
576 Castle Peak Road,
Kowloon Hong Kong SAR,

852 2 310 9923

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