22 Sep 2022

FASEH Online Single-Window System extended to food consignments

The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has extended the implementation of its online single-window system, FASEH, previously launched for Cosmetics and Perfumery products to also include consignments of Food products. The purpose of FASEH is to expedite the clearance of consignments and the issuance of Certificates of Conformity (CoC's).

To clarify, initially, CoC's issued by the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB), such as Intertek, on their IT platform, will be uploaded on the FASEH system by the concerned CAB. As a consequence, a 15% VAT on the current existing SFDA Fees (15% VAT on 1000 SAR, approximately 40 USD) will be payable by Exporters to the CAB on top of the current certification fees for the CoC. 

FASEH system for Food consignments is currently in the voluntary testing phase but will be mandatory starting from 1st November 2022 for food consignments exported to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a plan for full processing of the CoC on the FASEH platform at a future date.

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