Intertek Approved by MoCI for CoC's for New Vehicles to Saudi Arabia

08 Feb 2011
Exporting New Vehicles to Saudi Arabia? Only Certificates of Conformity issued by Intertek are recognised by The Customs Authority of Saudi Arabia.
Exporters of new vehicles to Saudi Arabia are reminded that they must provide a Certificate of Conformity for Customs clearance. Only Intertek has been approved by the MoCI to issue CoCs for new vehicles and only Intertek's CoCs are recognised by Saudi Customs, MoCI and SASO as proof of compliance of the vehicles and accepted for Customs clearance.
New vehicles arriving without a CoC or with a CoC issued by an unauthorised body will be held for further inspection and the exporter would be liable for the costs incurred on account of the inspection and storage of the vehicles and could additionally experience severe delays in Customs clearance.
The CoC should be obtained by all vehicle Importers/ Exporters in their country of export/origin and this requirement has been mandatorily enforced since 7 December 2010 as per the Saudi Customs article published on their official website. This can also be viewed by clicking here.
Intertek has been involved in the certification of new vehicles for KSA since 1996 and as of today, we have certified more than 3,300,000 vehicles exported from various parts of the world.
Intertek can help you understand the latest market access regulations in Saudi Arabia has managed the programme for more than 15 years and has issued more than 1.5 million certificates and test reports to companies exporting worldwide.
For further information on how Intertek can help you ensure smoother Customs clearance, avoid costly delays, and to obtain the necessary certification for exports of new vehicles to Saudi Arabia please contact your local Intertek office details of which can be found here.