SFDA Update on Change of Status of Triclosan and Hydroquinone

08 Apr 2011
The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) recently issued two circulars changing the status of two substances: Triclosan and Hydroquinone.
Triclosan: circular issued on 03rd March 2011 informing about the complete prohibition of the use of Triclosan as a preservative in cosmetic products, and advising to use other substances in replacement. Triclosan is now prohibited in all cosmetic formulations, including toothpastes that are imported or produced locally. Manufacturers or importers are given 6 months to be in conformity with this requirement.
Hydroquinone: circular published in March 2011 informing all cosmetic preparations containing Hydroquinone with any percentage, should be registered as medical preparation. The Cosmetic Safety Standard GSO 1943/ will be revised in line with the European Union banning products containing Hydroquinone.
KOHL products: a publication dated 06 April 2011 on SFDA website reminds that the surveillance testing on KOHL products regarding the level of lead and microbiology is still in force.
Alcohol-based mouthwash: the circular No. 3597 dated 12/2/1432 (16 January 2011) bans all mouthwash and related products containing alcohol used for rinsing, cleaning, or sterilizing of the mouth and teeth. The decision to ban these types of products has been taken due to the existence of permissible and available alcohol-free alternatives.
Any exporter who currently holds a licence/registration for such products should contact their local Intertek office to discuss how this will affect them.