Join the experts at Intertek Food Services for our complimentary series of webinars on the regulation of foods and dietary supplements in key markets globally.
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Whether it is an innovative new food or supplement ingredient, a product derived from biotechnology, or a new health claim, our toxicologists, scientists, and regulatory experts will help you navigate the scientific and regulatory requirements to ensure successful market approvals, globally.
The safety requirements and regulatory frameworks pertinent to foods and dietary supplements can be complex and difficult to navigate, especially when the goal is to achieve successful and uniform market introduction in several jurisdictions, worldwide. Intertek’s global experts have a wealth of experience and an unparalleled understanding of the intricacies and processes of regulatory agencies and can help you develop a successful strategy that will fulfill your current and future scientific and regulatory needs.
Our experts are offering an 18-part series of complimentary webinars to introduce you to the food and supplement frameworks in several different markets in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, and the Middle East. Don’t delay, register today!
Webinar Series Schedule
- The European Union: Regulatory and Scientific Requirements for Claims Made in the Marketing of Foods and Supplements
Recorded May 13, 2020
The health claim framework in the European Union (EU) is regarded as one of the most stringent systems in the world. This webinar will help companies navigate through the regulatory framework for food and food supplement claims in the EU. In addition, this webinar will provide an overview of the scientific requirements for the substantiation of health claims and an update on the status of the health claims evaluated thus far. Useful resources that will help companies interested in making health claims in the EU will be highlighted.
ACCESS RECORDING - Canada: Regulatory Considerations for New Food Ingredients
Recorded May 27, 2020
In Canada, whole foods and food ingredients without a history of safe use as a food (‘novel foods’), including foods produced through the use of new processing techniques, and foods derived from genetically modified microorganisms, plants and animals, require pre-market notification to the Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada. This webinar will provide an overview of the regulatory process and scientific requirements involved in the novel food approval process, and the different factors to consider before preparing a pre-market notification for a novel food.
ACCESS RECORDING - Canada: Regulatory and Scientific Requirements for Claims Made in the Marketing of Foods
Recorded June 10, 2020
In Canada, any food manufacturer which states or suggests that consumption of a food is associated with health must ensure that the advertising of the claim is in accordance with the Food and Drug Regulations.  This webinar will outline the types of permissible health claims in Canada, the scientific evidence required for claim substantiation, and the process by which health claims are accepted.
ACCESS RECORDING - Canada: Regulatory and Scientific Requirements for Marketing Natural Health Products
Recorded June 24, 2020
Canada is one of the few jurisdictions wherein disease treatment, prevention, and cure claims can be made in the labelling and advertising of dietary supplements [called natural health products (NHPs) in Canada]. This webinar will provide an overview of claim opportunities, requirements for claim substantiation, and regulatory processes related to the commercialization of NHPs in Canada.
ACCESS RECORDING - The United States: Elements of the GRAS Procedure in the United States
Recorded July 8, 2020
In the U.S., all substances indirectly or directly added to food, or that impart changes to a food, are regulated as food additives and require premarket approval under a Food Additive Petition, unless such substances have Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status for their intended use. This webinar will provide an overview of the regulatory process and scientific requirements involved in the GRAS process.
ACCESS RECORDING - The United States: Requirements for Qualification as a Dietary Fiber and the Application Process
Recorded July 23, 2020
In order for a non-digestible carbohydrate (NDC) to be classified as a dietary fibre (DF) in the United States (U.S.), it must be either intrinsic and intact in plant-based foods, or if it has been isolated from a food or synthetically produced, it must be shown to exert a physiological benefit in humans. The new definition for DF in the U.S. was written into regulation in May 2016. This webinar will provide an overview of the current acceptable DFs in the U.S. and describe the process by which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration intends to review applications wherein the efficacy of NDCs is presented.
ACCESS RECORDING - The United States: Steps Toward Market Introduction of Dietary Supplements
Recorded August 5, 2020
The United States (U.S.) continues to be one of the most important global marketplaces for new food ingredients. This webinar will focus on the regulatory requirements for introducing food ingredients to the U.S. marketplace for use in conventional foods regulated under the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act and dietary supplements regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. This webinar will outline the advantages and limitations of each regulatory option, and will discuss other regulatory issues that should be considered during early stages of product development for new ingredients.
ACCESS RECORDING - The United States: Regulatory and Scientific Requirements for Claims Made in the Marketing of Foods and Supplements
Recorded Aug 19, 2020
The United States (U.S.) continues to be one of the most important global marketplaces for new foods and food ingredients. This webinar will focus on the types of claims that are permissible in the U.S. for foods and dietary supplements, as well as the requirements for the scientific substantiation of each category of claims. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages associated with the marketing of each type of claim will be discussed.
ACCESS RECORDING - Australia and New Zealand: The Approval Process for New Food Ingredients
Recorded September 3, 2020
Foods that are supplied in Australia and New Zealand are required to comply with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (“the Code”). In this webinar, a general overview will be provided on the regulatory framework that applies to new food ingredients (“novel foods”), including how they are defined and classified. A brief discussion will also be given on the processes to obtain approval for ingredients that are not currently permitted, and the different factors to consider before preparing an application.
ACCESS RECORDING - Australia: Regulatory and Scientific Requirements for Marketing Complementary Medicines
Recorded September 16, 2020
In Australia, supplement products are generally classified as “complementary medicines”. This webinar will provide an overview of the regulatory framework surrounding complementary medicines, including the steps that need to be taken before these products can be placed on the market. A discussion of the ingredients that are allowed in complementary medicines, and the types of claims that can be made, will also be presented.
ACCESS RECORDING - Australia and New Zealand: Regulatory and Scientific Requirements for Claims Made in the Marketing of Foods
Recorded September 30, 2020
In Australia and New Zealand, health claims must be made in accordance with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. This webinar will provide information regarding the types of permissible claims, requirements for scientific substantiation, and the current regulatory framework in place.
ACCESS RECORDING - South Korea: Regulatory and Scientific Requirements for Marketing of Foods and Health Functional Foods
Recorded October 7, 2020
In South Korea, health claims on foods (i.e., usefulness claims) and food supplements [i.e., regulated as Health Functional Foods (HFFs)] are permitted. This webinar will highlight the regulatory framework for the marketing of both foods and HFFs. It will also provide insight into the permissible usefulness claims and claims for HFFs and the process by which authorization is achieved. Additionally, this webinar will highlight new opportunities for claims on foods based on the new food function claim system.
ACCESS RECORDING - Nutritional Status Assessments: An Overview of Nationally Representative Dietary Intake Surveys
Recorded October 21, 2020
In many regulatory submissions, including health claim applications, the use of nutritional status assessments is required to understand the proportion of individuals consuming a specific product/ingredient and the amount consumed. A number of nationally representative dietary intake surveys are available [e.g., the United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)] from which this information can be obtained. This webinar will provide insight into several different dietary intake surveys available for use and the methodology by which the data were collected and adjusted in order to represent national dietary values. Furthermore, in some of the dietary surveys, national data regarding health status also are available. This webinar will also highlight possible methods by which the relationship between diet/food intake and health can be analyzed.
ACCESS RECORDING - Regulatory and Safety Considerations for Accessing Markets for Animal Feeds
Recorded November 4, 2020
Approval of feed ingredients and additives globally requires a clear strategy that can be executed efficiently and effectively. This webinar is directed at companies looking for opportunities to diversify their food business and expand into the realm of animal feeds. It will provide an overview of the scientific and regulatory framework for the approval of animal feeds and compare and contrast the data requirements and extent of efforts required to gain regulatory approval of feed ingredients relative to those traditionally marketed in human foods.
ACCESS RECORDING - Considerations for the Approval of Flavoring Agents Globally
Recorded November 19, 2020
While flavouring agents are generally used in very small amounts when added to foods, there is a multitude of substances used for their flavouring properties in foods. The large number of flavouring substances has led to the development of special evaluation procedures that are used by regulatory and scientific bodies to assess their safety. This webinar will provide an overview of the established frameworks for assessment of the safety of flavouring substances, with special focus on the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) approach, and how these are applied by international and major national agencies in the evaluation of flavours for use in food.
ACCESS RECORDING Considerations for the Approval of Food Enzymes Globally
Recorded December 2, 2020
In different global jurisdictions, enzymes used in food processing are regulated as food additives or processing aids. This webinar will provide an overview of the regulatory framework and scientific and technical data requirements related to the approval of food enzymes in the United States, European Union, Australia/New Zealand, and Japan.
ACCESS RECORDING- Global Safety & Regulatory Considerations for Marketing Probiotics
Recorded December 16, 2020
There is a growing demand for probiotic products, and this has been complimented by increased innovations in the food industry. This webinar will provide a general overview of the safety requirements and regulatory framework surrounding probiotics, including common steps that need to be taken before these products can be placed on the market.
Intertekのエキスパートたちが、「北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア、オーストラリア/ニュージーランド、中東の国々における食品と栄養補助食品(サプリメント)規制の枠組み」を紹介する計18回の 無料ウェビナーシリーズを提供しています。 登録よろしくお願いします!
- EU: EUにおける新規食品の認証プロセス
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - EU:食品とサプリメント市場での強調表示についての規制と科学的必要事項
EUでの健康強調表示をすることは世界で最も厳しいものの一つと言われています。今回のウェビナーでは、食品やサプリメントについての規制の枠組みについて説明します 。加えて、健康強調表示を 科学的根拠を示すための科学的必要事項の概要と、現在の査定された健康強調表示のステータスについても話します。EUでの健康強調表示に興味のある方はハイライトされた有益な情報元にも目を通してみてください。
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - カナダ:新しい食材への規制面での考慮
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - カナダ:食品市場での強調表示についての規制と科学的必要事項
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - カナダ:自然健康食品のマーケティングに対しての規制と科学的要件
カナダは世界でも数少ない病気の治療、予防、治癒に対しての栄養補助食品の表示が許可されている国です。それらはカナダでは自然健康食品と呼ばれています。今回のウェビナーでは、健康強調表示の機会の概観、健康強調表示の科学的根拠 のための必要事項、自然健康食品をカナダで商品化するための規制手順、これら三つの事柄についてお話しします。
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - アメリカ合衆国:アメリカにおける一般的に安全と認められる(GRAS)認証手順の要素
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - アメリカ合衆国:食物繊維の条件と申請プロセス
難消化性炭水化物はアメリカにおいて、食物繊維として登録されています。食物繊維は植物由来のものか、人体に対して生理学効果が証明されている化合物しか認められません。2016年5月に、規制上での食物繊維の新しい定義が定められました。 今回のウェビナーでは、アメリカで認められている食物繊維の概要と、難消化性炭水化物の効能が示された申し込み書類の食品医薬品局内での評価手順についてお話しします。
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - アメリカ合衆国:サプリメント市場参入へのステップ
今日においても、アメリカは世界で最も重要な新しい食品素材の市場であると認識されています。 今回のウェビナーでは、アメリカ市場に参入するための規制事項を、通常の食品を規制している連邦食品・医薬品・化粧品法と、栄養補助食品を規制している栄養補助食品健康教育法、両方と照らし合わせて説明します。加えて、各規制の選択肢の中での利点と制限についてお話しし、新規成分の製品開発のファーストステップで考慮すべき他の規制問題についても話し合いたいと思います。
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - アメリカ合衆国:食品とサプリメント市場での強調表示についての規制と科学的必要事項
今日においても、アメリカ合衆国は世界で最も重要な新しい食品と食品素材の市場の一つであると認識されています。 今回のウェビナーでは、アメリカの食品と栄養補助食品において許可されている強調表示の仕方と、各カテゴリーでの強調表示のための必要事項である科学的根拠の二つの事柄についてお話しします。更に、強調表示のカテゴリー別のマーケティングにおけるメリットとデメリットについてもディスカッションします。
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - オーストラリアとニュージーランド:新食品素材の認証プロセス
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - オーストラリア:補完医薬品についての規制と科学的必要事項
オーストラリアでは、サプリメント商品は一般的に補完医薬品として分類されています。 今回のウェビナーでは、補完医薬品関連の規制の枠組みと市場に出るまでの必要なステップについてお話しします。また、補完医薬品の許可されている素材と、どのような強調表示ができるのかを説明します。日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - オーストラリアとニュージーランド:食品市場での強調表示についての規制と科学的必要事項
オーストラリアとニュージーランドでは、健康強調表示はオーストラリア・ニュージーランド食品基準規約に従わないといけません。 今回のウェビナーでは、どのような健康強調表示が許可されているか、どのような科学的根拠が必要なのか、現在の規制の枠組みについて、これら三つの事柄についてお話しします。
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - 韓国:食品と健康機能性食品市場での強調表示についての規制と科学的必要事項
韓国では、食品の健康強調表示(つまり、有用性表示)と栄養補助食品(健康機能食品(HFF)として規制されています)は許可されています。今回のウェビナーでは、食品と健康機能性食品のマーケティングへの規制の枠組みを話します。また、許可されている有用性表示と健康機能性食品の表示についての見識を述べ、どのように許可の手順が踏まれるか説明します。 加えて、新しい食品機能性表示システムに則った食品に対しての強調表示についてもお話しします。
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - 栄養状態評価:各国の食事摂取量調査の概要
健康強調表示を含む多くの規制機関への提出には、特定の製品/成分を消費する個人の割合や消費量を理解するため、栄養状態評価が求められています。例えばアメリカの場合では、米国国民健康栄養調査(NHANES)の記録を利用でき、そのほかの国々でも食事摂取量調査のデータを利用できます。今回のウェビナーでは、利用可能な異なる食事摂取量調査の使用についてと、 そのデータの収集方法や国別の示されている食事量への調整の方法についてお話しします。加えて、いくつかの食事調査では、健康状態に関するデータも利用できます。また、食事・食品摂取量と健康の関係を分析できうると考えられる方法もお話しします。
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - 動物飼料市場参入のための規制と安全への考慮すべき点
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - 世界各国での香料に対して認可を得るための考慮すべき点
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - 世界各国での食材に使われる酵素に対して認可を得るための留意点
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画 - 世界各国でのプロバイオティクス製品市場で安全性、規制面での留意点
日本語と英語(Japanese & English): 録画