Improve energy efficiency and lower maintenance costs through Refrigerant Testing and Analysis for HVACR Equipment
What is HVACR Refrigerant Testing?
HVACR refrigerant testing is a process used to evaluate the condition and purity of refrigerants used in HVACR systems. The purpose of refrigerant testing is to ensure that the refrigerant is free of contaminants, such as moisture, acid, and particulate matter, which can damage HVACR equipment and compromise the system's performance.
Regular refrigerant testing is essential to ensure the safe and efficient operation of HVACR systems. Contaminated or degraded refrigerants can lead to system failures, reduced performance, and increased energy consumption. Testing can also help identify leaks in the system, which can be a source of refrigerant loss and environmental damage.
Intertek's HVACR Refrigerant Testing and Analysis Solutions
Reduce equipment downtime and improve on system energy efficiency by identifying contaminants before they lead to system failure. Intertek offers 24-hour and rush turnaround service on refrigerant analysis, helping you to lower your maintenance costs and increase the lifetime of your systems.
We can help identify contaminants, and determine the purity of recovered, recycled and reclaimed refrigerant before they lead to a host of problems including high head pressures, acid formation, capillary restrictions, and oil migration and bearing failure.
Our refrigerant testing services meet all analytical provisions mandated in Section 608 of the Clean Air Act. Our laboratory tests to the current version of the ARI-700 standard, the Industry Recycling Guideline (IRG-2) as well as several military and client specifications. We can also get you up-to-speed on UL 1995 / CSA C 22.2 No.236 implications for refrigerants.
Intertek is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) as meeting the stringent requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 25, General Requirements for the Competence of Calibration and Testing. This standard far exceeds the requirements of ISO 9002.
Download our fact sheet to learn more about the current test methods and capabilities used to perform testing of Refrigerant Detection Systems and let Intertek’s expertise move your HVAC/R product to compliance with confidence.
HVACR Refrigerant Testing and Analysis Resources
- Guide to Flammable Refrigerant Mitigation - brochure
- Determining Flammable Refrigerant Ignition Sources - white paper
- Refrigerant Detection Sensor Requirements for HVACR Equipment - white paper
- Refrigerant Analysis - fact sheet
- General HVACR Testing - video
Knowledge Center
Flammable Refrigerants Testing: Refrigerant Detection Systems
ETL Certification Mark: HVAC/R Compliance to National Standards
HVAC Consulting Services with Intertek Assurance
UL 60335-2-40 Refrigerant Leak Detection Systems
Safety Certification Effective Dates for HVAC/R Equipment
Cybersecurity Certification for HVAC/R Equipment
Transitioning HVACR Equipment to UL/CSA 60335-2-40: Webinar | White Paper
EPA SNAP Rules and Certifying Appliances with Alternative Refrigerants
Guide to Flammable Refrigerant Mitigation
Scope of Intertek’s HVAC/R Capabilities | Poster
For more expert papers, recordings, and presentations, visit our HVACR Resources hub.