Supporting your polymer product lifecycle and supply chain, meet our experts at K2025, in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Supporting your polymer product lifecycle and supply chain, our team of experts will be at the K2025 (K-Show) trade fair in Dusseldorf, Germany (October 8 - 15, 2025), to discuss how our experience can help to overcome the challenges you face associated with materials quality, processing, regulatory compliance, and product performance. During the K2025 exhibition meet us to discuss our latest developments in testing and consulting services for raw materials, plastics, composites, coatings, adhesives and rubber products can accelerate your innovative product development and help you to gain a marketplace advantage.

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With decades of experience in the polymers and plastics industries, our scientists can help you to test materials and products against a wide range of safety, regulatory, quality and performance standards using chemical analysis and physical testing techniques. Through our laboratory scale processing facilities, coupled with expert assessment of the processability and properties of the materials we can help you to develop new products and materials, troubleshoot production processes, provide quality control for materials and support polymer research. Intertek experts can provide extensive consulting and assurance services on material development, legislation and market demands (e.g. sustainable materials and specific material characteristics) to help you reach the market faster.


Missed our K Technical Lectures? 
Our experts presented a program of technical talks during K-show. You can request the presentation slides via or call +31 88 126 8888. Stay tuned to learn of our K2024 technical talk program.

European Framework Regulations and NIAS Studies for Plastic Food Contact Materials 
Presenter: Dr. Carmen Schroijen, Business Development Manager, Food Contact Regulatory Services 

Processing and Recyclability of Polymers 
Presenter: Marco Theunissen, Business Development Manager Polymers – Automotive  

Building efficiency and flexibility in R&D
Presenter: Chantal Haarmann, Business Unit Manager Automotive – Polymers 

Quality in Recycling
Presenter: Ilse Hindrikx, Business Unit Manager (Petro)Chemicals


WHITE PAPER: Processability and evaluation programmes for recycled plastic materials 
WHITE PAPER: NIAS screening for food packaging containing post-consumer recycled materials 
CASE STUDY: Polymer weathering and degradation
WHITE PAPER: Polymer failure investigations
WHITE PAPER: Enabling polymer non-wovens development

About the K Tradeshow
K takes place October in Düsseldorf, Germany. It is one of the world's largest and most relevant trade fairs for the plastic and rubber industries.  Bringing together many stakeholders, suppliers, contractors and consultants, the event aims to showcase the latest state of the art and trailblazing innovations and facilitate networking for business success. Reserve your meeting slot by clicking here 



Related Links

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Polymers News and Events

NEW SERVICE: CircularAssure - Services to help you close the loop in the circular economy for plastics

ARTICLE: Processability and evaluation programmes for recycled plastic materials

ARTICLE:  Adhesives Quality Assurance Testing Programs

ARTICLE:  Enabling Polymer Non-Wovens Development

CASE STUDY: Polymer Surface Contamination Resolution

CASE STUDY:  Elastomer Seal Material Failure

CASE STUDY: Polymer Failure - Distribution and Dispersion of Fillers


Contact Intertek