Expertise in power plant engineering support and related services.
The need for reliable power generation is critical to a company’s success, and one of the biggest barriers to reliable power generation is the ability to efficiently maintain complex power plant equipment. With today’s advanced engineering techniques, classic repair and maintain philosophies are no longer a model for success. Intertek applies highly advanced engineering capabilities to component inspection processes to pinpoint priority repairs and eliminate unnecessary work. Efficient maintenance programs will help plant owners and operators meet profitability goals through enhanced plant operations and performance, improved efficiency, reduced risk of failure, and maximized equipment life.
Intertek’s unique application of advanced engineering techniques coupled with our data management system will help you take your maintenance program to the next level, giving you a significant competitive advantage and will provide you with Total Quality Assurance. Our customized power services and software solutions support clients throughout the world, providing operation, maintenance, capital improvement, and cost of cycling evaluations for the power generating industry. Our engineers have decades of experience in startup, operation, and maintenance of hundreds of power plants of all types including combined cycle, gas, coal, nuclear, and renewable. We work with equipment throughout the plant, such as boilers, turbines, generators, and high-energy piping, as well as other plant components. We are dedicated to utilizing timely and cost-effective solutions that help you prevent future power plant problems or solve existing ones.
Engineering and Consulting Services include:
- Analysis of Failed and Non-Failed Tube Samples
- Boiler Tube Failure Reduction Programme
- Asset Integrity Management
- Detection of Flow Accelerated Corrosion
- Combined Cycle Power Plant Cost Analysis
- Inspection Data Management Aware Software
- Risk Based Equipment Assessment
- Power Plant Design Issue Solutions
- Equipment Certification
- Forensic Investigation and Failure Analysis
- Power Generation Field Inspections
- High Energy Piping
- Laboratory Analysis
- Nuclear Energy Services
- Reliability Management
- Power Generation Services A-Z
Power Generation Technical Capabilities and Facilities:
- Laboratory Facilities: Metallurgical and Mechanical Test Laboratory
- Field Operations and Maintenance (O&M): Outage Planning and Management, Inspection Planning and Implementation, Unit Startup, Performance and Operation Review
- Extensive Personnel Power Generation Experience
Intertek provides engineering, inspection and testing and related power generation services through a global network of experienced professionals.