In the new era of the Smart Grid, our smart asset optimisation software solutions can improve the reliability, availability and maintainability of your power plant.

Changing market conditions, the Smart Grid revolution and the integration of renewable energy with traditional fossil fleets means that power plants have to operate with higher reliability and flexibility.

Intertek can help improve your power plant reliability, availability and maintainability with our smart asset optimisation software Total Quality Assurance solutions. Our software can provide you with the analytical and real time information needed for effective decision making with cycling costs, operation and maintenance, capital replacement and integration with your fleet of renewable energy sources.     

With more than 25 years’ experience in performing cycling costs and providing power generation services to power plants, Intertek’s range of smart asset optimisation software solutions can help you maximise your profits, operate more efficiently and reduce risks. 

Our software solutions for smart asset optimisation are:

Aware-RealTime (Aware RT) is a Windows™-based automated plant damage and cost monitoring software. It is designed to be easily added to current data acquisition and control systems (DACS). Our Aware RT software can monitor damage accumulation rates and compute the costs for specific types of base load and cycling operations.  

Our Risk-Based Equipment Assessment (RBEA) can help your power plant address asset management problems with initial condition assessment, condition and operation database development, economic decision analysis, plan and budget reports, inspection planning and implementation, and on-going outage and problem solving support. 

Aware™ is an inspection data management system (IDMS) used to organise the inspection information of assets.  It can help improve decision making, ensure accuracy and standardisation, and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your power plant inspection activities.

Using real-time TubeAlertSM Intertek can assess the remaining useful life of boiler tubes so that critical areas can be identified and early tube failure avoided. This system utilises real-time plant data to assess remaining useful life of boiler tubes.

Ingrid is a web-based database and analytics platform that utilizes the latest in data manipulation technology to provide detailed operation indicators and benchmarks on fossil power generation.

WindAware is a fully customizable web-based application used to manage performance metrics for wind farms. The analytics tools include general purpose life-data analysis to forecast and improve the remaining useful life of wind turbine equipment.

Request more information to see how Intertek can help your organisation with Smart Asset Optimisation


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