An ASTA Observer is responsible for the proper conduct of tests made under the aegis of ASTA and for the accuracy of the recorded test results and their presentation, at his or her own laboratory.

An ASTA Observer is responsible only to ASTA when conducting tests under the aegis of ASTA. Each ASTA Observer witnesses type tests and their responsibilities include:

a) The examination of the apparatus before, during and after a series of type tests to ensure that the requirements of the Standard, ASTA Rules and ASTA Test Instructions have been satisfied.

b) The responsibility for the recording of the condition of the apparatus before, during and after a series of tests.

In addition, the ASTA Observer is also responsible for verifying that any drawings and parts schedules submitted correctly identify the equipment tested. The ASTA Observer will also sign official reports associated with ASTA Certificates and Test Reports.

How to Become an ASTA Observer

The following process applies for becoming an ASTA Observer:

  • The laboratory shall be ASTA Registered
  • The applicant submits application to ASTA (
  • The applicant will be trained using hands-on projects.
  • Upon successful completion of the training and recommendation by a supervising ASTA Observer, the applicant will be asked to come to United Kingdom for an interview by an Interview Panel of his peers.
  • Once recommended by the Interview Panel, the applicant will be appointed as an ASTA Observer. A contractual booklet will be issued to both the company and the ASTA Observer and his/her employer.

All ASTA Observers are reviewed periodically during the review of ASTA Type Test Certificates and surveillance laboratory assessment.

ASTA Observers from ASTA Head Office

Additional to the above, senior expert ASTA Observers from Intertek's ASTA Head Office in the UK are able to witness and observe testing in virtually any laboratory in the world (subject to Intertek’s policy for not working in countries subject to international sanctions).

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