Vol. 872 | 13 Nov 2015

The National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) of Brazil has recently published Ordinance No.525/2015, a draft of the Quality Technical Regulation for gas lighters, for public consultation. It is applicable to gas lighters (rechargeable or disposable), with bodies manufactured of polymer (plastic resins).

Gas lighters must be registered in INMETRO, this is a precondition to apply for Conformity Identification Mark and for its availability in the domestic market.

Following are the proposed mandatory requirements:

  • Quality Technical Requirement for gas lighters
    • Functional requirements
    • Structural integrity requirements
    • Requirements of marking and mandatory information in the product and packaging
    • Requirements of use instructions
  • Conformity Assessment Requirements for gas lighters
    • Definition of tests to be performed: according to ABNT NBR ISO 9994:2006 + E1:2007 Lighters - Safety specification (identical to ISO 9994:2005)
    • Specification of Conformity Mark:
      • General requirements, positioning of the mark, content, safety symbol and replenishment instruction should follow ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 9994:2006 (identical to ISO 9994:2005)
      • Visible, legible, indelible and permanent
      • Holographic and presenting as a security item a hidden numbering, two digits, traceable to the register number of each approved model.
      • Conformity Mark should follow the model below:

Fig 1: Model of holographic seal, size 12mm x 12mm

For additional information please contact:

Marina Nakamura

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