Vol. 852 | 26 Aug 2015

IABFLO Revises Law Label Guidance

The International Association of Bedding and Furniture Law Officials (IABFLO) recently updated its guidance document outlining the law labeling information requirements set forth by various States for filled bedding and furniture products sold in the U.S.

Key updates are as follows:

  • Highlight that the lines separating the text must extend to the edges of the law label.
  • Specify that the 3-inch length requirement of a law label starts at the beginning of the word “UNDER” and ends at the country of origin on the bottom of the law label.
  • Provide the formatting requirements regarding the font height, abbreviations, bold print and capital letters in several sections. Example ALL NEW MATERIAL must be in capital letters and that entire section must be in bold print; Similarly REG. NO., MADE BY or MADE FOR also must be in capital letters, bold print and 1/8” in height. There is no such formatting requirement for certification section that begins with  “Certification is made….”  and the “other information section” except the country of origin in the “other “information section” must be 1/8” font, all in capital letters and in bold type.
  • Provide law label example for upholstered residential furniture that incorporates the State of California SB 1019 requirements for presence or absence of flame retardants.

These updates are already in effect. As further guidance documents are released by IABFLO, Intertek will communicate them via our Insight technical bulletins.

Texas Passes the SB202 Rescinding its Bedding Law Requirements

Texas passed Senate Bill 2021 that effective September 1, 2015, will no longer require bedding operators (manufacturers, distributors, importers, etc.) to hold a license with the Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Bedding licenses issued by DSHS will no longer be valid or renewed on or after August 31, 2015. It is anticipated that in the fall of 2015, the DSHS will begin the process of formally repealing the existing Bedding Rules.

If manufacturer is using the Texas’s Uniform Registry Number (URN) as their Registration Number (REG. NO.) on law labels they will need to obtain new URN from another State.

For more information on SB202 Updates: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/bedding/


For questions, please contact

North America
Dr. Pratik Ichhaporia (pratik.ichhaporia@intertek.com)
Laxmi Ravikumar (laxmi.ravikumar@intertek.com)

Asia Pacific
Kenny Chan (kenny.chan@intertek.com)
Vienna Chow (vienna.chow@intertek.com)



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