Vol. 836 | 25 Jun 2015

On April 25, 2015, Turkey’s Ministry of Customs and Trade published Regulation No. 29337 concerning labeling of shoes.

The shoes included in the scope of this regulation should contain the labeling of the materials used to produce the following components and the main elements of a shoe by using pictogram or written explanation:

  1. Outer main part of a shoe
  2. Inner lining and insole
  3. Outsole

Under the scope of this regulation, the components of a shoe should be labeled as Leather, Coated Leather, Textile or Other Material.

Market supervision and control of the products included in the scope of this regulation will be handled by the Ministry according to the provision of Market Surveillance and Control Regulation of the Ministry of Customs and Trade dated 12/6/2014 Official Gazette No. 29028. In case the provision of regulation is not met, the supplier will be given correction period. If the correction cannot be made within the given period of time, the administrative penalty described on 12th article of the Law No 4703 will be enforced.

The supplier is responsible for correct labeling of the shoe according to this regulation. If the supplier cannot be reached, the same responsibility applies to the distributor. This regulation is effective from the date of publication.

For further information on the subject: http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2015/04/20150425-8.htm

If you have any queries on the above information please contact Esra Güneray
(esra.guneray@intertek.com) or (intertekcg.turkiye@intertek.com)
Tel : 0090 212 496 46 70

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