Vol. 973 | 05 Jun 2017

On 8 May 2017, the Commonwealth of Australia published the Consumer Goods (Babies’ Dummies and Dummy Chains) Safety Standard 2017, which shall be enforced immediately.

This mandatory standard applies to dummies designed specifically for babies and dummy chains and similar products intended to attach a baby’s dummy to his/her clothing.

Baby dummies shall meet certain sections of either standard below:

  • AS 2432:2015 Standard for Babies’ Dummies
  • EN 1400:2013+A1:2014 – Child use and care article – Soothers for babies and young children – Safety requirements and test method

Dummy chains shall meet certain sections of the standard below:

  • EN 12586:2007+A1:2011 – Child use and care article – Soother holder – Safety requirements and test method

The baby dummies and dummy chains complying with the repealing Consumer Protection Notices below may be marketed until 1 July 2019:

  • Consumer Protection Notice No. 4 of 2006
    Consumer Product Safety Standard: Babies Dummies
  • Consumer Protection Notice No. 33 of 2011
    Consumer Product Safety Ban: certain babies’ dummies to which there are crystals, beads or other similar ornaments attached
  • Consumer Protection Notice No. 34 of 2011
    Consumer Product Safety Ban: certain pins, ribbons, strings, cords, chains, twines, leathers, yarns, or any other similar article to which there are crystals, beads or similar ornaments attached, which are designed to be attached to babies dummies

For more information, please contact:

John Wong
852 3760 6310


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