Vol. 982 | 11 Aug 2017

Bedding Articles

In July, the Shanghai Administration of Quality supervision, Ningxia Administration of Quality supervision and Qinghai Administration of Quality supervision launched a special product quality supervision for bedding articles.

The spot checks were conducted according to GB 18401 "National general safety technical code for textile products," GB/T 5296.4-2012 "Instruction for use of products of consumer interest" and GB/T 29862-2103 "Identification of fiber content.”

As a result, in Shanghai 30 batches of towel products were inspected with 4 batches failing, resulting in a failure rate of 13%, and 80 batches silk quilts were inspected with and 21 batches failing, resulting in a failure rate of 26%. In Ningxia 208 batches were inspected with 101 batches failing, resulting in a failure rate of 49%.             

Primary failed items: pH value, absorbency, filling quality and fiber content

Children’s Wear

In July, the Wenzhou Marketing supervision Administration, Ji Nan AIC and Hu Nan Administration of Quality supervision launched a special product quality supervision and inspection for children’s wear.

This spot checks were conducted according GB/T 5296.4-2012 "Instruction for use of products of consumer interest," GB 18401 "National general safety technical code for textile products" and GB 31701 “Safety technical code for infants and children textile products.”

In Wenzhou 15 batches of children’s wear and footwear were inspected with 8 batches of children’s footwear failing, resulting in a failure rate of 53.3%, and 4 batches children’s wear failed, resulting in a failure rate of 27%. In Ji Nan, 15 batches of children’s wear failed; in Hu Nan 2 batches of the 24 inspected failed, resulting in a failure rate of 8.3%.

Primary failed items: pH value, colorfastness to wet rubbing, colorfastness to water, colorfastness to perspiration, safety requirements of cords and drawstrings, fiber content and labeling  


In July, the Qing Hai Administration of Quality supervision launched a special product quality supervision and inspection for headwear products.

The inspection checked 4 batches of computer embroidered hats and found no failures.  The spot checks mainly focused on fiber content, pH value, formaldehyde, colorfastness to water, colorfastness to washing, colorfastness to perspiration, colorfastness to light, colorfastness to rubbing, appearance and quality and label 


In July, the Beijing AIC, Zhejiang Administration of Quality supervision and Guizhou Administration of Quality supervision launched a special product quality supervision and inspection for footwear products.

This spot check was conducted according “Product Quality Law,” QB/T 1002-2005 “Leather Shoes,” GB/T 22756 “Leather Sandals” and GB 28011 “Shanks.”

In Zhejiang 16 batches of anti-static shoes were inspected and no failures were found; 27 batches of leather shoes were inspected with 1 batch failing, resulting in a failure rate of 3.7%; 9 batches of leather sandals for children were inspected with 4 batches failing, resulting in a failure rate of 21.1%; and in Guizhou 5 batches of products were checked and no failures were found.

Primary failed items: feeling and appearance, detachable attachment, abrasion, flexing, colorfastness to rubbing of lining and insock, formaldehyde content, Cr VI, phthalates (6P), label, shank stiffness and shank hardness

Textiles & Apparel

In July, the Sichuan AIC, Shanxi Administration of Quality supervision and AQSIQ launched a special product quality supervision and inspection for textiles and apparel.

The spot checks were conducted according to GB/T 5296.4-2012 "Instruction for use of products of consumer interest" and GB 18401 "National general safety technical code for textile products."

As a result, the Sichuan AIC found out 60 batches leather apparel failed, 36 batches of cardigans failed and 62 batches of general apparel failed. The Shanxi Administration of Quality supervision checked 50 batches of apparel samples and found out 2 batches failed, resulting in a failure rate of 4% and found 19 batches of down apparel failed. The AQSIQ issued “Information on Non-conformed Imported Goods,” which indicated more than 1,000 imported fashion apparel failed in some categories.

Primary failed items: tearing strength (for leather), colorfastness for leather, down content, fiber content, pilling, user instruction, colorfastness to perspiration, colorfastness to water, colorfastness to wet rubbing, colorfastness to washing and labeling


In July, the Beijing AIC launched a special product quality supervision and inspection for bag products.

The inspection found that 22 styles failed in the spot checks, the main failure was the impact test.


For additional information please contact:

Shanghai    Ms.Emma Guo
Tel: +86 21 6091 7604

Guangzhou    Ms.Liu Hui Li
Tel: +86 20 2820 9274

Tianjin    Ms.Linda Zhang
Tel: +86 22 2385 7393


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