Vol. 1260 | 20 Jul 2021

On July 7, 2021, Health Canada, in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada, published the final Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products Regulations: SOR/2021-148 (Regulations) in Canada Gazette Part II. The regulations place limits on the formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products and have additional requirements for record keeping, labelling, and reporting.

Following are the key definitions from the Regulation:

Composite wood product means a composite wood panel, a laminated product, a component part or a finished good.

Composite wood panel means any of the following products:

  1. hardwood plywood;
  2. particleboard;
  3. medium-density fibreboard;
  4. thin medium-density fibreboard.

Laminated product means a product that is:

  1. composed of a veneer that is glued to a core or platform consisting of a composite wood panel or veneers; and
  2. made by a manufacturer of component parts or finished goods for incorporation into the component parts or finished goods.

Emission limits:

  • hardwood plywood: 0.05 ppm;
  • particleboard: 0.09 ppm;
  • medium-density fibreboard: 0.11 ppm;
  • thin medium-density fibreboard, 0.13 ppm; and
  • laminated product: 0.05 ppm
  • Additionally, there are requirements for composite wood panels and laminated products

The regulations will become effective January 7, 2023. Composite wood products manufactured or imported on and after January 7, 2023, are required to meet the formaldehyde emissions limit specified above. However, for the laminated products (excluding the core or platform) the requirements will become effective January 7, 2028.

The agencies on July 7, 2021, also published two additional documents:

The final rule can be viewed at: https://canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2021/2021-07-07/html/sor-dors148-eng.html

For questions, please contact Dr. Pratik Ichhaporia (pratik.ichhaporia@intertek.com, +1-847-212-8273) or Dr. Stella Li (xingyu.li@intertek.com, +1- 503-351-9612)


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