Vol. 1277 | 21 Oct 2021

The Quebec government has proposed legislation to repeal the Upholstered and Stuffed Articles Act, which requires labeling for various upholstered and stuffed products offered for sale in the province of Quebec.

As of July 1, 2019, the Government of Ontario, and as of January 1, 2020, the Government of Manitoba repealed their upholstered and stuffed articles regulation. This makes Quebec the only province in Canada that requires labeling for stuffed and upholstered products.

If this bill passes the Parliament, it will remove the labeling requirements for various upholstered and stuffed products, alleviating burden for the industry. Manufacturers, importers, retailers, renovators and distributors with bedding, upholstered or stuffed articles are still required to comply with Quebec’s laws, until the legislation to repeal the law is enacted.

The following link provides information on the current provincial law label requirements in Quebec: https://www.economie.gouv.qc.ca/en/outside-quebec/home/quebec-statute-on-stuffing-and-upholstered-and-stuffed-articles/

The following link provides additional information about the proposed Quebec bill for repealing the upholstered and stuffed articles act: http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/travaux-parlementaires/projets-loi/projet-loi-103-42-1.html

For questions, please contact Harini Ramaswamy (harini.ramaswamy@intertek.com, +1 847 871 1047), Dr. Stella Xingyu Li (xingyu.li@intertek.com, +1 503 351 9612 ) or Dr. Pratik Ichhaporia (pratik.ichhaporia@intertek.com , +1 847 212 8273).


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