Vol. 1349 | 26 Apr 2023

Manufacturers who sell certain categories of children's products containing any of Maine's priority chemicals in an amount greater than de minimis, and who have not already reported to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), must do so within 30 days of the product becoming available in Maine. The Maine DEP has created reporting forms and rules for each priority chemical that must be submitted to the department when intentionally added to certain children's products sold in the state.

The table below summarizes the priority chemicals that must be reported to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection:


CAS Number

Reporting Required for

Effective Date

Reporting Form Links



Bedding, Childcare Articles, Clothing, Cosmetics, Craft Supplies, Footwear, Games, Jewelry and Embellishments, Safety Seat, Occasion Supplies, Personal Accessories, Personal Care Product, School Supplies, Toys

June 2, 2014

Click here

Bisphenol-A or BPA


Infant Formula and Baby Food, Toys, Childcare Articles and Tableware

Reusable food or beverage containers (since January 1, 2012)

Infant formula packaging (since March 1, 2014)

Baby food packaging (since March 1, 2014)

Infant Formula, Baby Food Containers:

Click here


Toy, Childcare Articles and Tableware:

Click here  




Bedding, Childcare Articles, Clothing, Cosmetics, Craft Supplies, Footwear, Games, Jewelry and Embellishments, Safety Seat, Occasion Supplies, Personal Accessories, Personal Care Product, School Supplies, Toys

June 2, 2014

Click here



Flame Retardants

Decabromodiphenyl ether (1163-19-5)

Hexabromocyclododecane (25637-99-4)

Child Care Article, Children’s Sleepwear, Children’s Toy, Children’s Clothing, Children’s Footwear, Electronic Device, Household Furniture and Furnishings, Mattress, Mattress Pad

March 4, 2017

Decabromodiphenyl ether:

Click here



Click here



Bedding, Childcare Articles, Clothing, Cosmetics, Craft Supplies, Footwear, Games, Jewelry and Embellishments, Safety Seat, Occasion Supplies, Personal Accessories, Personal Care Product, School Supplies, Toys

July 26, 2015

Click here




Bedding, Childcare Articles, Clothing, Cosmetics, Craft Supplies, Footwear, Games, Jewelry and Embellishments, Safety Seat, Occasion Supplies, Personal Accessories, Personal Care Product, School Supplies, Toys

June 2, 2014

Click here


Nonylphenol or Nonylphenol ethoxylates

Nonylphenol C15-H24-O Linear (Phenol, nonyl- ) structure: 25154-52-3, or branched (phenol, 4-nonyl-, branched): 84852-15-3.

The formula for chemicals in the nonylphenol ethoxylate group is (C2‑H4‑O)mult-C15-H24-O, and commercially-relevant CAS RNs include, but are not limited to: 9016-45-9, 26027-38-3, 37205-87-1, 68412-54-4, and 127087-87-0.

Household and Commercial Cleaning Products, Cosmetics and Personal Care Products, and Home Maintenance Products sold, marketed to or intended for use by consumers

January 9, 2011

Click here


PFOS or its salts

PFOS and its salts (1763-23-1)

Potassium perfluorooctane sulfonate (2795-39-3)

Lithium Perfluoroocatane Sulfonate (29457-72-5)

Ammonium perfluoroocatane Sulfonate (29081-56-9)

Diethanolammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate (70225-14-8)

(1) Child Care Article;

 (2) Clothing;

 (3) Footwear;

 (4) Sleepwear;

 (5) Toy;

 (6) Cookware, Tableware, Reusable Food and Beverage Containers;

 (7) Cosmetics and Personal Care Products;

 (8) Craft Supplies;

 (9) Electronic Device; and

 (10) Household Furniture and Furnishings

July 28, 2020

Click here



“Regulated phthalates” means any one of the following:

di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), with a CAS number of 117-81-7;

Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), with a CAS number of 84-74-2;

Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), with a CAS number of 85-68-7;

Diethyl phthalate (DEP), with a CAS number of 84-66-2.

(1) Clothing and Footwear;

 (2) Craft Supplies;

 (3) Building and Home Maintenance Products;

 (4) Cosmetic and Personal Care Products;

 (5) Household and Commercial Cleaning Products;

 (6) Household Furniture and Furnishings; and

 (7) Personal Accessories and Jewelry

June 22, 2015

Click here



  1. Used products
  2. Food and beverage packaging1
  3. Transportation2
  1. A container or packaging for a food or beverage product is exempt from the requirements of this chapter, unless that product is intentionally marketed or intended for the use of children under three years of age.
  2. The requirements of this chapter do not apply to motor vehicles as defined in Title 29-A, section 101, subsection 42 or watercraft as defined in Title 12, section 13001, subsection 28 or their component parts, except that the use of cadmium in detachable car seats is not exempt.

For questions, please contact Pankaj Sarda (Pankajkumar.sarda@intertek.com) or Harini Ramaswamy (harini.ramaswamy@intertek.com).


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