Vol. 1365 | 09 Aug 2023

The UK government announced on the 2nd August that they are to overhaul the UK’s product safety laws which are over 30 years old in a bid to make them fit for emerging technologies and new shopping habits.

Much of the UKs safety laws are underpinned by EU laws dating back to the 1980’s but with the UK now leaving the EU this is seen as an opportunity to create new safety regimes to better suit British Business and also ensure the safety of products purchased on-line as well as from bricks and mortar stores.

  • Product safety laws to be overhauled to better protect consumers when shopping online and buying modern products like smart devices
  • Reformed furniture and fire safety regulations will better protect consumers in the modern home including a reduction in the use of harmful chemicals
  • Plans will cut business costs and reduce unnecessary red tape with the introduction of measures like electronic labelling, enabling them to invest more in their own firms

The proposal to introduce e-labelling would also reduce waste and relieve burdens and allow for the easy updating of product information.

The consultation will seek opinions on how they can better regulate modern technology like internet connected devices like smart watches and artificial intelligence whilst also ensure the reduction of burdensome red tape for businesses.

For more information visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-to-modernise-product-safety-laws-to-ensure-theyre-fit-for-the-digital-age

If you have any questions, please contact our technical expert Dave Smith (dave.smith@intertek.com).


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