08 Jun 2023

Following the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria in February, we did all we could to support our colleagues and local communities in the region, especially those directly affected by the disaster.

In the immediate aftermath, we coordinated rapid support for employees who had been displaced, helping them to find alternative accommodation and providing any basic items they needed. In the wider community, we arranged for local volunteers to manage donations of items in the highest demand, including sanitary pads and children’s clothing. Our local Health & Safety Supervisor, trained in emergency response, travelled to the most affected region to help maximise the impact of these rapid response efforts.

Our Caleb Brett joint venture in Türkiye – ITS Caleb Brett Deniz Survey SA – also independently arranged for trucks to provide key items for those in need, as well as turning our laboratory in Iskenderun into an aid station.

In addition to the on-the-ground support, Intertek Europe & Central Asia set up a fundraising page for the Disaster Emergency Committee’s Türkiye-Syria Earthquake appeal, through which employees around the world donated more than £6,500.