Download our article now to learn more about quantitative determination of complex ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and chitosan and how this enables efficient product development and quality control.

In the constantly evolving field of dermo-aesthetic products, demand for active ingredients of natural or biotechnological origin is booming. 

Compounds such as hyaluronic acid, resveratrol and various enzymes have become essential ingredients in anti-ageing skin care products and dermal fillers. Quantitative determination of these complex ingredients is key to product development, formulation development and quality control. 

In this article, our expert, Allan Desrumaux, explores how capillary electrophoresis can be an effective solution for the quantitative determination of complex ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and chitosan. 

At Intertek, our LaCoMeD laboratory remains at the forefront of technology, continually developing analytical methods to meet the needs of the cosmetics industry.

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