Effective December 2, 2018
ADDENDUM: This SUN revises effective date to December 2, 2018 from that previously identified as December 2, 2015.
Effective Date (see Schedule below): December 2, 2018
NOTE: This Effective Date is as published by the Standards Developing Body (SDO) in their Subject 294/294B Bulletin dated March 28, 2014. It is a formal extension of the Effective Date as noted on page tr2 of the 6th Edition of UL 294.
Impact Statement: A review of all Listing Reports is necessary to determine which products comply with the new/revised requirements and which products will require re-evaluation and test. NOTE: Effective immediately, this revised standard will be exclusively used for evaluation of new products unless the Applicant requests in writing that current requirements be used along with their understanding that their listings may be withdrawn on the Effective Date of December 2, 2018 unless product is found to comply with new/revised requirements.
Overview of Changes: Many changes were made to new 6th Edition of UL 294. This includes but is not limited to:
(a) Scope of standard has been revised, (b) General requirements updated to address related technologies, (c) Glossary update, (d) Single point lock requirements added, (e) Tiered access control performance levels defined (for destructive attack test, line security, endurance, and standby power), (f) Enclosure opening requirements revised, (g) Separation of circuit requirements added, (h) Field wiring and terminal requirements revised, (i) Electrical spacing requirements revised, (j) Secondary power section added, (k) Test emulated system requirements added, (l) Class 2 and 3 circuit tests added, (m) Component temperature test revised and clarified, (n) Input/Output Circuit Transient Test revised, (o) Destructive Attack Test revised, (p) Line security requirements added, (q) Marking requirements revised, and (r) Appendix A updated.
Fees: So that production of products bearing the Listing Mark will not be interrupted, a proposal/quote will be prepared and sent to your attention. You are urged to promptly review, sign and return this proposal/quote which is to review your certification reports against these new/revised requirements.
Action Required (NOTE – This is a major update to the Certification Standard and production will be affected!):
Submit Information/Samples – Once the project is initiated, the Intertek Engineer will identify what specific information and samples are needed to assist with the evaluation to the 6th Edition of UL 294. See attached UL 294 Six Edition White Paper for further details on the impact of these new/revised requirements on future production.
Current Listings Not Active? – Please immediately identify any current Listing Reports or products that are no longer active and should be removed from our records. We will do this at no charge as long as Intertek is notified in writing prior to the review of your reports.