Your go-to gateway to learn and manage functional safety concepts across multiple industries

The growing demand for sophisticated technology has pushed the manufacturing industry – particularly component manufacturers – into the fast lane. As technology is evolving rapidly, manufacturers face the challenge of developing components and systems quickly and at low cost. They shall also ensure that their products meet all necessary functional safety requirements, such as IEC 61508 or other safety standards. By doing so, hazardous states in systems or components can be minimized to limit injury to people, property and environment.

Additionally, manufacturers, suppliers and operators will benefit from increased market acceptance, minimizing recalls, avoidance of product liability and positive brand associations. The industry requirements are persistently changing in mobile and stationary systems which requires companies to have an expertise with regards to functional safety to master its complexity.

The wide range of functional safety standards creates a complex regulation landscape, sometimes making it difficult to find the appropriate product or system-related standard.

Intertek helps you simplify that complexity by identifying and interpreting the applicable functional safety standards.

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